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2 years ago

Art is to listen to the rest of the year. 😉

In the course of the year, I take the wishes of all I want to give to the calendar cover sheet “December” and then have the free choice.
Most of all, there are things that please the recipients, but they either do not want to themselves or do not know their source of reference.

2 years ago

My mother gets a new fire extinguisher. She looked after. There is a powder(!!!)-hole from 1993. You have to imagine. Powder extinguishers in the private household is the last garbage. Must have bought my father and he had no idea. If you fire a powder extinguisher in a living room, then you can also let the bud burn, it’s all in the dut.

Therefore, there is now a foam fire extinguisher and a battery lamp if the current drops out

2 years ago

I always give my parents something they really need or want for a long time. Last year I gave my mother a new kitchen machine and a new tool set to my father. Both were very happy with it and used it very often.

This year I would like to give my mother a voucher for a spa weekend and give my father a voucher for a golf course. Both know that they can do something good with these gifts and I know they will enjoy it.

2 years ago

For my mother I have a keychain with an allegedly real clover, a high-quality scented candle with jasmine fragrance and an angel figure. Lindt Lindor balls and a Lindt chocolate box.

My father didn’t want anything, but now still gets a CD from a band he likes you he chose before.

2 years ago

My mother gets a Christmas bag…..

2 different packs of herbal bouquets (I have seen at our aldi today) for seasoning or for fragrance bags ….

Then another special towel for the hair is to be added (will be delivered tomorrow, I will try out my then and if this is provided it will get the second of the towels).

A Mini-Panetton

A box of chocolates

A self crocheted little thing

A letter from the grandchildren

If I find something suitable, a nice tea will be added

2 years ago

Coupon from the supermarket chain where they always go shopping and (I know irrelevant for Germany) a highway vignette. In addition, the fence tunnels we are famous for, and that was it.

2 years ago

Nothing. Can you give flowers, chocolate and jewelry

2 years ago

My parents don’t live anymore. I always get a gift from my children, usually a common one.

The gifts aren’t big with us, because we’re not together, so there are great gifts.

2 years ago

Please no more self-made or nippes, the glassvitriene already runs over, a shaving water or perfume is completely enough (from 100€ upwards), no was a joke, even small things please us and do not have to be expensive, the thought counts!