Was schenke ich einem Kind?
Liebe Mitmenschen 🤍
Ich wurde sozusagen Tante, mein Freund hat eine Nichte welche nun 2 Jahre alt ist. Oder 3? Ich bin ehrlich gesagt nicht sicher.
Jedenfalls steht Weihnachten vor der Tür!
Was schenke ich einem 2-3 Jährigen Mädchen? Ich hatte bisher nie wirklich etwas mit Kindern zutun. Ich dachte an eine Tasche, darin Haargummis und Haarclips. Vielleicht noch Schmuckstücke für Kinder?
vielen Dank im voraus für eure Hilfe! 🤍
Best to ask parents… Your idea is definitely not bad, probably a girl will generally be happy about it and hair gums you never have enough ðŸ ̃‰ Otherwise I have noticed the children are often peculiar to clothing, colors, sweets, themes, and toys (have two guys themselves).
Get a set of hats, mittens and scarf in colorful colors! Hat with pompon is always popular with children! The detainees connect with a long cord…they are then threaded through the jacket sleeves and hang left and right on the sleeve. They’re not lost.
That’s clearing with your friend and then giving her something together. You don’t have to conceive his relationship.
There’s nothing small for 2 years. They’re still taking this in their mouth.
I think I’m good, or a wooden puzzle.
So… as an aunt you should know something about his niece… in any case the age.
I’d ask the parents who know what the child might need.
I just got aunt as I said. It’s pretty fresh.
Then patentant probably?
No, my friend has a two-year-old niece. I’m with him, so I’m like saying a kind of aunt. We are Italians, there is something else anyway
The best question is how old the niece is. Talking always helps!
Books are the best gifts.
Good success 😉
Ask the parents. Whether 2 or 3 years is a huge difference.
I’d leave that with the hair clips and such a crisp. Such small parts can become dangerous for children under 3 years of age and there’s something going on in the apartment. Long hair should have the girl too.
The preferences of children are very different, only right if you don’t know how old a child is.