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Glaubt ihr das fällt auf (Mama angelogen)?
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Antike erleben in Europa?
Ich und meine Kollegin studieren beide Geschichte und sind zurzeit völlig angefressen von der Antike. Wir würden gern gemeinsam in die Ferien gehen und uns mit den Zeugnissen der Antike auseinandersetzen. Wo in ganz Europa sind geeignete Orte (ausser Rom und Pompeii) an denen wir dies tun könnten? Danke für eure Hilfe!
I would like to have a watch collection (i.e. wall clocks) because I find watches nice
But does not go (something financially stupid and this is nothing I would gather for a possible value, but just for joy (then I always know how late it is))
Otherwise I collect cool crown corks (but for further processing/baskets idk if that counts)
Oh, yeah, Dnd dice sets.
You realize how financially meaningful it is, so not at all, but I don’t care
LG Toby
Sammle mechanical (usually large watches) from 1945 but also have those of Afterwards. At watches like bags and wristwatches, I don’t really dare.
As a teenager record (was also DJ), later long time mp3 ́s, of which I have 115,400 stck.
For 2-3 years nothing more special. I always said that the mp3s I hear when I’m retired, well, that’s what I’ve been doing for a long time and I’ve always been together, but I’ve probably never heard more than half of it.
USB sticks (To save music on it)
Be the latest also watches
Good songs
I collect the following:
1.) 1 oz gold coins as asset coins, including:
2.) Deutsche Goldmünzen u.a. der Serien
3. Yu-Gi-Oh! Maps
4. Flag Pins of countries where I was
5.) Frequent Flyer Miles
6. Tickets from football matches I was (worldwide) that were not home games of my club.
Soil findings.
I’m a certified probe walker and a hobby archaeology.
I bought old or rebuilt petroleum lamps for a while because I just found them great. I won’t do that anymore. the existing ones remain with me for < < < < < < < < < < < > not. incl Petroleum and replacement dolls.. We know what’s coming…
Guns from the time between the percussion ignition and the introduction of the central fire metal cartridge.
Vehicle emblems of cars from all over the world (Mercedes-Stern, Audi-Ringe, etc.)
Pokemon cards, I’m a little embarrassing but no matter what
It’s nice
Don’t be embarrassed.
Analog cameras.
If you have to sort out, there’s a mean 5-digit amount that doesn’t mean anything.
CDs/DVDs and books.
Current flash photos
So you’re buying police files?
I can’t recommend: very bad course development, no dividend…
Antiques, ua röm and kelt coins;
Platinum trophies on the PS5
Everything to do with music! 🙂
And Ketchup! I also collect ketchup, or also ketchup sauces, etc.