What do you think about Pride Month?
Don't you think the fallen soldiers of World War II deserve this month much more? After all, they died honorably for their country on the front lines.
Don't you think the fallen soldiers of World War II deserve this month much more? After all, they died honorably for their country on the front lines.
And if so, until when was that common practice?
This is simply a Cossack, i.e. a man from a Turkic people depicted
Can you tell me which number is correct because sometimes I only see 30,000 dead on the internet but then on the next website it says 300,000 or 450,000 What is approximately correct now?
No. They have killed people, so many (just) didn’t want to be there and they have supported the worst thing that Germany has committed.
No, not every soldier killed in the Second World War without exception, there were also soldiers without a single shot.
But still the question is about a Pride Month. Why should you be proud?
What does my answer have to do with Pride Month? I’m talking to something else.
Why? The Pride Month is held privately by the affected persons. The fallen soldiers can’t do that anymore.
Private??? So when millions of people walk through the streets with rainbow flags, is that private for you?
Yes, because everyone decides on a demo or Parade to take part and it is OUR sect law. Can you sign up an area emo? Have fun with this silly Whataboutism. And just because the old profile is done, you don’t have to pin the old nonsense back and forth with a new one. Right?
Of course. Private is everything you don’t do professionally or what has not been prescribed by the state.
That’s a matter of taste. I like rainbow colors.
Well, isn’t it enough for companies, streets, residents, buildings, street signs, games to be decorated with these ugly flags???
We have read this insulting nonsense a few days ago!
Hey, why should we remember the victims of the Second World War, should we not rather remember the dead of the crusades? You know what?
The dead are dead and need no more human rights, those who are injured and killed because of sexual orientation, but already.
And your “values” are obviously not those of this society. Should give you thought.
PS: All right. Member since today. So again the same provocation under new name. I see.
You can remember these people. People can also celebrate Pride Month and his flag. Like them. Everyone is allowed to express his opinion
Bad case of Whataboutism.
One like the other is a bullshit in my eyes.
my opinion