Was sagt ihr zu Zügen?
Gefallen euch Züge?
Gefallen euch Züge?
Kann ich mit Schokoticket ICE fahren? (Im VRR)
Ich weiß zwar was drauf steht aber ich hab trotzdem Angst, dass man doch nicht nach Brandenburg damit kann sondern nur in Berlin damit fahren kann und ich dann ungewollt schwarz fahren würde. Weiß das zufällig jemand ob das geht? Es geht um das Schülterticket Berlin was man kostenlos bekommt mit einem Schülerausweis. Danke schonmal…
Ab diesem Sommersemester gibt es ja für Studierende das Deutschlandticket für 29,40€. Wenn ich das online beantragen will, finde ich das aber nur als Upgrade vom Semesterticket. Ich hab aber kein Semesterticket, also kann ich auch kein Semesterticket upgraden. Ich hab ein stinknormales Deutschlandticket für 49,00€ als Chipkarte. Siehe Frage oben.
Eine Freundin hatte heute 9-Euro-Ticket gemacht. Musste an einer Haltestelle sehr lange auf den Anschluss warten. Dann wurde von einem Bahnmitarbeiter erzählt, es hätte wieder einen Suizid gegeben. Auf Nachfrage: Dies sei in Deutschland etwa täglich der Fall. Kommt das echt so oft vor?
Also ich bin mit nerven ubahn gefahren da der Zug entfallen ist und dementsprechend war die Bahn extrem voll wo die dann was leerer wurde wollte ich mein ticket abstempeln doch dann stand auf einmal ein kontrovers vor mir -_- die Bahn war so voll das man sich Nicht mal bewegen konnte kann man bei…
cozy ride, I can sleep or read a good book without making me sick
Yes, I travel daily by trains from SBB and BLS and literally by train from DB (ICE).
On a normal working day I am about 1h by train this is about a distance of 80KM
On a non-normal working day or weekend I usually put back 8h on the train so several hundred kilometers a day.
On the trains, however, I like the long-distance traffic of SBB and DB, but this is only because the 1st. Class in the compositions is usually at the front or back and not in the middle as with most BLS trains, but also because a train will quickly be full because it stops at several stations and therefore needs longer for the routes.
“I like trains!”
(In the asdf universe, of course, you should not say this sentence.)
In winter I find freight trains rather bad because the much cold winds do.
But otherwise trains are cool. I’m working on the tracks and I can watch trains from the closest place every day. Sometimes, drive cars, locomotives or whole trains come by with interesting or unusual design. Mostly from abroad, another local service or because a Uraltlok depends on it.
And if it fits, or just looks good, I’ll take a picture.
And if it’s just because of the length that’s going well over here.
A short move!
And double stick.
In the pasen ja gaaaaanz many people fit in.
They’d all be late for the DB. 😅
Cool! 👍
IC1, St. Gallen – Geneva Airport and back: Geneva Airport 5 minutes turning time and St. Gallen 15 minutes, with cleaning.
This trip he makes two times a day.
So I could hardly imagine a life without trains.
Because I’m traveling daily with the ÖBB trains.
In addition, I also love my train day.
I drive to Salzburg in Vienna and drive to Klagenfurt in 1 hour. until I get back to Vienna in the evening.
The point is to spend as much as possible on the train.
3 times, why do I work at ÖBB? I don’t have to explain that, because I have 😉
Of course. I’ve been working on the train for over 46 years, and I’m still very happy with the trains, right now.
I only rarely travel by train – at least as long as I consider it a “public transport” because I would have to, from my place of residence, drive over twenty kilometers before I would be at the nearest station.
Special trips with historical trains I like to make or drive, perhaps once/year, with the narrow track on the bridge (mountain in the resin).
If you have no driver’s license or car, it’s more or less appropriate.
I like trains, especially with steam locomotive
What to say great about means of movement? They encourage people, unfortunately, quite unreliable.
What to say? Hello train 😉
Not in Switzerland!
25. March 2024 I drove the following:
Bus, ICN, Regio, funicular. All matched and with a trillium
I find refined trains at chess really horny!
I like her. It was an invention of faulty people, but it had a lot of good,
Yeah, if they’re not too loud.
No! I’d rather fly if I have to travel long distances!
I hate trains. I don’t like driving
As a rule, I say, “damn again too late.”
32 seconds?