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I wouldn’t say anything to him or about him, but think with me in silence that he might be Human with Problems or concerns is. My own experience with people who consume a lot of alcohol is that in the past, these people have experienced something unpleasant and emotional stress that they want to forget.
If I had a personal relationship with this person, maybe something like this:
‘We need to talk‘‘we-müssen’
Maybe I would have myself consulted on how to deal with such a person.
Alcohol consulting,
Apparently alcoholics like I am.
From this: Poor Sau. Whoever so much likes every day has a problem. That should be best treated.
But since I am concerned myself I know very well how hard it is to admit that you need help. And even where: you know, you still think in the back of the head, “I can do it on my own.”
A dependency is nothing nice. No matter what reason it was created.
I think there’s no answer in the survey.
With 2 bottles of grain (1.5 litres) and 4-6 bottles of beer á 500 ml, you are definitely addicted.
In doing so, you are no longer just on the daily noise, but want to hold the level = level keeper.
Everyone is forging his luck.
But I don’t mean degrading, but just in the sense “If he thinks it is right and feels good, he should do it.”
Looks like you have no idea about drinking. Either 2 bottles of grain and 1 box of beer or 1 glass of grain and a beer and that beautifully change
There must always be the grain beer ratio
Shut up, please
In the sense of, is his thing, has no thing to do.
Makaber, but more striking, you couldn’t title it.
Nothing I say. It doesn’t matter anymore, you can’t help anyway.
Well, it’s his decision.
Ask me how someone can drink 2 bottles of grain without falling dead.
I’d cench after a glass.
no words…