Was sagt ihr zu fleischkäse/leberkäs usw?
meine Familie sagt glaub ich als einzige leberkäs
meine Familie sagt glaub ich als einzige leberkäs
Hey ich fühle mich zur Zeit nicht so gesund und deswegen wollte ich die Ernährung umstellen. Habt ihr Tipps für Gesunde Ernährung um etwas Abzunehmen und reine Haut zu bekommen bin w 16 danke für eure Hilfe:)
Würde mir gerne morgen früh salamibrot mit Butter und mit Scheiben Salami zum mitnehmen machen. Die Salami wäre ca. 10 stunden ungekühlt, da ich um 8 Uhr los muss und erst um 18 Uhr essen kann. Denkt ihr, dass die dann noch gut ist?
kennt wer so Pulver was genauso süß ist wie Süßstofftabletten ? habe bisher immer die Tabletten aus dem Spender gemörsert, aber das ist auf Dauer zu aufwändig. hatte schon Stevia, Xucker, Xylit, aber das ist ja nicht mal annähernd so süß, da braucht man sehr viel um die gleiche Süße zu erreichen. ich kenne zwar…
Guten Abend an die GF Community. Ich hab gestern Abend in Krefeld durch Zufall einen sehr auffälligen Verkaufsautomaten gesehen der mir sehr ungewöhnlich erschien. Weil ich es als solches nur in USA oder in China oder Japan kenne. Die Preise da in Krefeld an einem sehr guten und modernsten Verkaufsautomaten auf der offenen Straße sind…
Hähnchen wurde gebraten, anschließend Kühlschrank. Kann ich es jetzt kalt essen oder muss es in die Mikrowelle. Danke
For me, this has always been called liver cheese, but I have also heard the other name.
So I actually come from Austria and with me, mostly you say liver cheese too.
I would never have heard the term meat cheese in Austria.
The liver cheese/cheese cheese belongs to me personally in a bun (i.e., e.g., into a semmel), best with cucumber and some pepperoni, then it tastes for me personally perfect😋.
Now I get hungry
At least in this corner NRWs is called liver cheese. I’m out of meat, but everyone knows what’s meant here. I also think it looks so fitting. And yes I would use mustard
With white rolls of wheat pure, however, it becomes complicated here. Probably because this is a university town. Depending on the baker “What?”
With us in the area, we say mostly meat cheese. But if someone says he’s getting a truck (leverage) then many understand that
I’ll tell him: Hey, you look appetizing! Do you want to get rid of my puppy, you with mustard… I like to eat you…
By the way: both are correct… but there is no liver in it! And, actually, no meat… it’s sausage pressed in a laib form. Cheese is not in it, of course!
The important question! Sweet or normal mustard? (I like both) 😅
Here (with me) only the normal…the sweet I eat exclusively for white sausage
Thanks for the
This is regionally different. In Bavaria/Franken it is real liver cheese
in Hesse there is only meat cheese that tastes quite different.
No! It is definitely the same – regional only with a different name. And every butcher of course also has his own recipe…but, it’s like s: liver is not in there!
that every butcher has his own recipe I am more often in Bavaria that tastes quite different.. We have more meat cheese version here in the Frankfurt region.
No, no, no, no. There is no “meat” version. This is all the same, only with other mixing conditions
The liver cheese looks different here, direction white with herbs…
This is your butcher’s play
There are both…
It’s like liver sausage… The Palatinate liver sausage is quite different than the “normal” liver sausage, which is called calf liver sausage 😉
😂😂😂 yes, right…
Well, of course, you can also get in the Palatinate Kalbsleberwurst…😆
But it’s a good example: There are liver sausages, that is, or so… depending on the ingredients and typical regional production. Only – unlike liver/meat cheese, is in liver sausage – no matter which, always liver in it.
(On the other hand there are also meat sausages… guaranteed without liver. Be the “with”, be s ja liver sausage)🤣😂
So it is common in my family and region.