Was sagt ihr zu diesem Sonnenuntergang?
Ich war auf Sylt und konnte dieses Foto machen wie findet ihr es von 1-10 und mit Begründung.
Ich war auf Sylt und konnte dieses Foto machen wie findet ihr es von 1-10 und mit Begründung.
Liebe Community. Ich stelle derzeit Überlegungen an, bei unserem Vereinsfest zu fotografieren und die Bilder mittels QR-Code den Besuchern zur Verfügung zu stellen. d.H. Bild machen, einen Zettel mit einem QR-Code mitgeben, unter welchem sie am nächsten Tag alle Bilder des Abends sehen. Jetzt wäre meine Frage ob ihr eine Seite kennt, auf welcher die…
es gibt ja malarten, wie z.b: mit wasserfarben oder auch mit buntstiften. aber wie nennt man den stil, wenn man z.b. am ipad digital etwas malen würde?
Mit am Board nehmen. Meine Tasche ist 42×28×16 groß. Denkt ihr, dass diese 2 cm viel ausmachen?
Hei, hei Leute. Ich und ein Freund machen ne 2 wöchige Reise nach Japan dieses Jahr. Wir würden gerne schöne Momente der Reise festhalten und die Smartphone Kamera ist unserer Meinung nach irgendwie zu wenig… Die Kamera muss jz nicht irgendwie über krass sein, aber sollte trotzdem schöne Fotos aufnehmen können, ggf. auch Videos, easy…
Moin, habt ihr Erfahrungen, welche Speicherkarte am besten für die insta360 x3 ist? Bin am überlegen, ob ich die 128gb sandisk oder 258gb sandisk nehme. Lg und Danke!
As a motive great class.
But: horizon is wrong.
And: the water surface at the front should be completely on it so that the symmetry fits.
And yet: The horizon should be somewhat deeper or slightly higher so that it represents the golden cut, which always does such images well. Grobly said: Main lines should be in the ratio of about 2:3 of the image size.
One must distinguish in photography between “What” and “How”
The scene is actually quite good, so as it was. There are beautiful clouds in the sky, quite nice colors of the golden hour and the wave that goes into the viewer comes at the right time. The footprints in the sand are such a thing. Not very nice, but sometimes not to avoid.
From a photographic point of view, however, the image is not good.
The horizon is totally wrong, the wave that runs in here is cut off, there is no good image division / image design. Basically, with some basic knowledge and reasonable camera (I suppose it’s just a mobile phone shot) one could have made a beautiful sun star, which brings the picture, which is already quite simple again. Only well implemented is the deep perspective.
I also always ask myself if I look at pictures, whether it is a special performance or whether every passer at the same time, in the same place, could photograph the motif so. A good picture is when you get the best out of the situation and since the motive would be identical, that is a question of photographing itself. The points of the previous paragraph.
That’s why I’d rather give 3-4 out of 10.
Would forgive a 5-6.
Motive “beach with sun” is like “moon” or “woods” – 8 million photographed somehow similar. What you could do better technically was already said. What is beautiful here is the reflection of the sun in the water tongue (you call this?), the coloring of the clouds and that the sun is not directly in the middle of the photo.
Surely a nice moment for you. But I always wonder at such pictures: I would hang this into the living room. And that’s where I got torn up and down. In the guest bathroom maybe 🙂
Yeah, it’s worth seeing. With water as a contrast you can make very good recordings in this respect. I’d forgive a seven.
Polar light on our coasts is also a topic at the moment.
I can make recordings of sunsets or risings above the sea almost daily at work, as below, just before the rise of the sun.
Please with straight horizon… 😉
☺️ Was just a volatile snapshot.
As I have already explained, one can correct the horizon even after the recording. (This applies to both photos.)
As I explained, the photo was shot almost in passing, I could repeat this at any time.
So it does not matter whether straight or not, moreover, the horizon line in question is not.
Would you hang a sloping horizon in the living room or rather a straight one?
Also volatile snapshots can be straightened out. Emergency after the recording.
This is what just commented on
10 full sun
Let’s say… 7/10. I prefer the sunset to be completely orange. But otherwise he’s very nice, I have to say.
Find it looks very beautiful. But have seen even more beautiful.Live they are best
Give 6-7. With processing, there might be a little more, slightly darker and more powerful color of the red orange tones. You have to try.
What more disturbs me is the asymmetric foreground. I’d rather have symetrically oriented it.
But still a great shot.
In addition, you could have sampled longer exposure times to get the water even softer. Find the small wave under the sun somewhat dominant and minimally deflecting. My gaze is more likely to hang there, rather than shy away.
I’d say an 8/10. The quality and the colors are mega. The brightness also fits. I know other photographers who are definitely better, but everyone starts 🙂
7-8 of 10
Very beautiful sunset
I like it when it goes to pink or something more
It’s beautiful
looks really beautiful
If you sit next and keep the sun in your hands, it is also beautiful
a 7, the coarsest “error” have already been mentioned, but if necessary wait a little until the sun “is standing on the horizon” and underexposed 1 stage.
with a lot of luck, there’s a big one.
Looks normal
What’s going on?
Natürlixh a 10/10 ✨✨✨✨✨🍁🍁🍁
It looks sooo beautiful
I like the style by photographing it and I found the prints in the sand completely cool👍✨✨✨
1. You can see it every day