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Hello Porschefan9,
the relativity theory is based on GALILEIs (!) relativity principle (short RP). This indicates that it is physically obvious whether a clock U is viewed as stationary and a clock U is moved relative to U with a constant 1D speed v, or whether U′ is viewed as stationary and U is moved with -v (same speed, opposite direction).
In the U′ from defined coordinate systems Σ and Σ′ have many physical variables different values, but their basic relationships with one another (not otherwise are Natural Laws) are identical.
Natural laws include, of course, MAXWELL’s basic equations of electrodynamics and thus also electromagnetic wave equations. The special aspect is that, unlike other wave equations, it follows directly from the basic equations and is therefore itself a natural law. This means that the speed of light in each coordinate system has the amount c, and whatever moves relative to U with c, which also moves relative to U′ with c and vice versa.
This is based on the special relativity theory (SRT).
— Construction site —
there are two relativity theories.
The special theory of relativity provides several results, including:
– Time is not absolute
– Longitudinal contract
– time dilatation
– No body can be faster than the speed of light in vacuum.
The general theory of relativity is about gravity and the curvature of space.
For example, you can find details in Leifiphysik.
No body can be faster than the speed of light in vacuum.
When a body moves away from us in speed of light and expands the space at the same time, the body is faster than the valid speed of light in vacuum
everything begins with the speed of light.
The so-called speed of light is the speed at which reality propagates. Nothing that has rest mass* can reach this speed, and only because photons do not have rest mass, they have this speed, therefore the name.
The name also comes from the fact that one thought earlier that the light needed an absolutely stationary medium in which electromagnetic waves spread (as sound waves in air), the so-called ether. The question of what such a stationary ether was spatially defined led to the Michelson-Morley experiment, which was actually expected to measure different speeds of light in different directions at the speed of the Earth by the ether. Surprise: no difference, so no ether (unless it would happen to be stuck to the earth). This not only shows that there is no ether, but that this speed is a natural constant that is the same in all inertial systems and therefore cannot be overhauled, because if you try to overtake the beam of a flashlight by car, it is as fast as relative to the flashlight relative to the car.
Only here is the special relativity theory, which depicts quite simple mathematics (Lorentz transformations), which has the effect on times and lengths (and also the kinetic energy*) in moving systems.
*) Kinetic energy of objects with rest mass contains a term of Lorentz transformation such as times and lengths. If a vehicle is accelerated to the vicinity of the speed of light, an increasing proportion of the supplied energy goes to less and less speed increase and lets the vehicle always appear carrier for the external observer – the speed of light is never reached.
This is all relative…
He says that gravity is not a force but a property of space
This is all relative to each other.