Was sagen Fahrlehrer dazu dass der Staat will das in Zukunft weniger Autos fahren?

Das ist doch schlecht fürs Geschäft wenn immer weniger darauffolgend weniger Interesse an einen Führerschein haben

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2 years ago

The train of time and change when minorities are driving the majority.

2 years ago
  • The state wants all electric cars to drive, no less cars.
  • The driving instructors already have a problem. There are fewer and fewer young people and more and more of them don’t make a driving licence. It’s not important enough and too expensive.
  • With battery cars there is no coupling and switching. This makes driving easier. Also bad for the driving schools.
  • I don’t care, I don’t feel sorry for the driving schools. Coupling and switching could be done very well on a simulator that would hardly cost anything. The driving school lobby has prevented it from doing this. It also prevented you from making a generally valid driving licence on automatic cars. Now she’s got it. That’s it.
1 year ago

You’re not just going to the driving school! This makes a very small fraction.

2 years ago

Climate change is even worse for business. And do you want to get a heater on the E Loks, because coal puppets were once said? Welcome to the here and today.

By the way: Gas lantern lighter has also been a job. Or Miss from the office.