Was passiert wenn man spickt?


ich habe einpaar Fragen bezüglich des Spickens. Vielleicht braucht ihr paar Informationen. Ich schreibe bald eine Französisch Klassenarbeit, eine normale, ich bin im 10. Schuljahr eines Gymnasiums in NRW.

Was passiert wenn man erwischt wird?

Wie macht man es am unauffälligsten(eure beste Methoden)?

Ich habe schonmal gehört dass Lehrer keine Taschen durchsuchen dürfen, auch in diesem Falle? Also könnte ich jetzt meine Spicker in meine Tasche tun? Oder wie kann man sonst noch rechtliche Lücken nutzen, z.B. was Lehrer nicht dürfen oder was wir als Schüler dürfen?

Danke im Vorraus

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6 months ago

So I’ve never been able to see someone actually get caught in the spicing, so I don’t know what would really happen. Probably a 6 and warning for the next time.

But even if the teachers are not allowed to search pockets, it’s noticeable if you look into your pocket forever or get something out of it. That’s why I wouldn’t call it the best method. Generally, you can’t recommend that you lick. Better learn and then you don’t have to be afraid that it’s flying.

6 months ago
Reply to  Jeremy Edberg

What’s that? If you’ll get six? You can assume that. Are they looking for your bag? Maybe, especially when they catch you and then you obviously pack something away. There is great suspicion that you have pissed and they can take away your work and as invalid, even without searching your pocket. Let alone that you may not act so quickly. Such a classroom isn’t big and if you get caught, the teacher doesn’t have to run 2km, lol.

6 months ago

As I said, with suspicion, they can take away the work and the test.

6 months ago

What happens when you get caught?

The work is then evaluated as 6.

6 months ago

If you get caught, you get a 6.