Was Passiert wenn man soviel abnimmt, das man nur noch 35 Kg. wiegt?
Ich habe keine Ahnung was alles so Passieren könnte, wenn man soviel abnehmen würde, das man nur noch 35 Kg. wiegt.
Bei mir müssten nur noch 28 Kg. runter, so daß ich 35 Kg. wiegen würde.
Bevor ich dies tue, würde ich gerne wissen wollen was alles mit dem Körper und mit dem Kreislauf Passieren könnte.
Ich würde das nicht freiwillig machen wollen, aber sehe eine Notwendigkeit darin, denn ich möchte ein komplett dünnen Bauch haben, so daß alle Stolz auf mich sind.
Bis die 28 Kg. Auch tatsächlich runter wären, das geht Natürlich nicht von Heute auf Morgen, aber ich will noch was erreichen.
Es bringt mir nichts wenn ich Fitness mache oder Gewichte trage, da ich sonst mein Bauch nicht so richtig flach bekomme.
Aber ja, Natürlich habe ich auch einerseits bedenken bei der Entwicklung ob ich dies durchstehen würde.
Versuchen könnte man es doch oder?
There’s no pride on a skeleton. You’ll be worried, you’ll be scared and you’ll see your eating disorder. No one is proud of someone who kills himself for a thin stomach.
You can also try to drink rat poison, but only once.
Your cycle will collapse, organ failure is possible, fumigation, acute weakness, constant fatigue, nutrient deficiency, hair loss, skin problems, depending on the eating disorder damage to the teeth etc.
If you get it, you’re dead, you’re dead.
A healthy, fit body is something you can be proud of, just being skin and bones cannot be proud of.
With bad luck, you will also get an inflated famine like him people in famines, then it is edgy with the flat belly.
Depending on the size you can’t make it until then and die before.
And what about a body size of 1.63 m?
Of course too little
That depends on how big you are. At 1.40, it wouldn’t be a problem, but at 1.80 you could also die.
I’m 1.63 m tall.
35 too little
If he’s grown up, it’s too little even at 140 cm.
I don’t really think about the BMI
Me neither.
ah I read wrong… forgive
Do I understand?
too little in context, he wanted to weigh 35 kilos total weight.
You won’t have any energy for your everyday life. Hair loss, lighter bone fractures, shrinkage, period stays out, freezing, more often ill.
In the worst case, you’re lost to gripal infarcts because your immune system is too weak. Love
I’m a man, by the way. I can’t get a peride.
makes nix, is only unhealthy as a man, you have less fat reserves, so if you take off is even more muscle that disappears.
If only worse, you get into the wheelchair, your legs follow on your arms.
My arms are thin now, as at the time, and my muscle mass has disappeared a lot.
I don’t have any upper arm muscles. I need physiotherapy from time to time because I get muscle deer.
That would therefore be the lower problem.
1. Are 35kg far too unrealistic
Two. Are they even more unrealistic for someone who has no eating disorder or so who has never had such a low weight in life (consciously)
3. What do you think would happen?
Hair loss, no strength, constant freezing, pain during sitting/living, no joy of life,…
If you really want to lose weight, set realistic goals and at 35kg you will not have a flat belly because it is impossible to have a full bottle of belly no matter how lean you are or you have no organs, etc in your stomach.
A completely (psychically) healthy person does not set such “completely unrealistic” goals and will never reach them or only very hard, because the body and the normal human understanding make you a cut through the bill.
If you want to lose weight or have a flatter abdomen start to train to your abdomen and watch your diet (genug proteine)
To get down to 35 Kg. I’d just have to take 28 Kg.
It’s normal for me that I don’t eat for up to 6-7 days, and I eat very little.
I had a weight of 105 kg at that time and I took a total of 50 kg. I also lost muscles on the upper arms, thighs and calves, as well as abdominal muscles. I’ve already come down from pants size 38/40 to pants size 32.
My goal is that I still have 2 pants smaller. So about. Trouser size 30, but can also imagine coming down to pants size 28.
Nonetheless, 35 super unrealistic 35kg is strong UG and there you won’t come so fast when you’ve never been in the UG let alone at nem bmi of 13.2
I’m only 1.63 m tall.
53 kg are already underweight.
Normal weight for up to 58 kg is still normal and then follows slight underweight etc.
I had no success with overweight and now I have no success with normal weight. So I thought I might succeed in underweight. At least it must be something I have no success.
Yes and how do you imagine this at 35? Jojo effect of death (53kg was a bmi of 19 that is still normal weight) no matter try it out and failed
But with such a question you have to deal with so much criticism and doubt
I’ve had 53 kg.
That’s not how it is.
My sister said I had 53 kg. underweight.
There were only 4 kg left and I would have been at 49 Kg.
But I made a mistake and then I got up to 10 kg. That’s how I weigh 63 kg.
I’m taking less calories than I have to. Sometimes I eat as little as I know it’s not good. It is only because I am forced to eat little anyway, because I cannot feed enough.
it is no one proud of you when you starve dead
in the worst case, you die because of food shortage in the lighter case, you are no longer very viable because energy lacks, thousands of organ problems in the long term
why this is a goal
I would be proud of young people who question themselves and their thoughts.
I already know that with the vitamin deficiency. Had already had vitamin B6 deficiency, vitamin B12 deficiency, folic acid deficiency and iron deficiency, and this has been several times.
and that mean is desirable?
Well, somehow 63 Kg. are still too much at 1.63 m.
it’s as a man you can’t get so 5 kilo vllt down
You’re right, of course, that doesn’t lead to anything and in no way.
If you want to tell me that everyone should go his own way anyway, I’ll give you the right.
That would be the best.
In this sense, I do not want to blame you for anything that leads to nothing. I don’t think so. Therefore, yes it is the best complete to go the separate ways and nothing more in common to write.
Otherwise you just turn around and you don’t want one of us.
Therefore, in this sense, I wish you the best in life that you can achieve for you.
Good for the future.
I can’t run away from it. There can be no therapy, so it was taught to me.
that is, of course, more absolute cucumber, you have the free doctor’s choice.
No I am not going out of the danger of every man, it is not necessary to prove it, it is unnecessary, superfluous, insane, etc.
it brings you
However, this also means that a man is increasingly building contact with women and women are increasingly building conacts with men. As long as this does not happen, it makes absolutely no sense and then it is clear why you question life.
increased contact is not necessary no
that is necessary if you want children otherwise only an option
and again I don’t really know what you want, and again it really doesn’t interest most.
So if you want to become my friend a good friend, then we can exchange ourselves privately, but otherwise I don’t think this conversation is a goal-leading search for trained specialists.
And yes, I’ve been to Social Psychology. They told me it’s not a reason for a therapy of the like. I have to put myself in life to cope with these fears and regain confidence with others, which is the only true thing that helps. I have to put myself.
I can’t run away from it. There can be no therapy, so it was taught to me.
As long as others see a danger behind me because I’m a man, I’m in a duty to convince that I don’t risk. How to prove it and convince you when you’re single and are hidden forever.
As long as I can let the other people get to me and stay with you, I feel good and need no therapy. I just have to be open and stay, then it’ll be better. But the damage I can keep away from and be afraid of, because fears are a warning signal that you should be careful. Who shows feelings at the same time shows that one also shows openness to others.
That’s how it got me.
I’m not hiding from anyone and I’m open to everyone. I trust all of them and as soon as I get the risk, I will break the contact.
I always give everyone a chance to guarantee.
So to put what you experienced at that time, differently you can’t get a grip on past management.
There is no therapy that is based only on the theory.
One has to face fear itself and let more feelings get rid of oneself, then one gets clear in life. However, this also means that a man is increasingly building contact with women and women are increasingly building conacts with men. As long as this does not happen, it makes absolutely no sense and then it is clear why you question life.
Have you ever considered a therapy? ne reasonable no conversation therapy and you know even if I understand you and so but I think you misunderstand the function of good question here nobody can help you permanently for your life.
I can only tell you how I’ve been dealing with me. That’s all.
I can’t give you the love you want or I can prevent the memories.
You have to get that clear yourself in the end.
The biggest fight is always the one with itself.
And think there’s a lot more men who understand you than you would suspect.
So extremely aggressive men themselves were often victims of violence, and later they wanted to be able to defend themselves and then they could, but then no one had explained them how to properly process emotions.
Men are just as little lumpy evil as women good, I know it still scares but you need to see the fear in the context you are not afraid of any man just from whom the are sacked.
I can also understand, but it’s not the single or anything else to blame.
I don’t know exactly what you really want, it seems to me that you’re trying to justify yourself in front of the world, but you don’t really care about it for most of the first time, and secondly, nobody can really do anything about it.
I can go into your feelings, but what does it take for a long time?
I always think you have to be able to help yourself in the long term and that’s only what you can do when you can make peace with your past and that’s extremely hard.
Then we would have clarified it.
I didn’t feel much better at that time.
My father was a narcissist, racket and alcoholic. I suffered very much and at the same time built up a shield and yet I show my feelings.
I was partially extremely beaten up so I couldn’t even sit. Even very strong blue spots I had in my body that I had to hide them.
Yeah, I’m afraid of other men because I never know if there’s an alcoholic and a racket behind it.
I still suffer from the violence of the time. I was very protected by women. Whether it was in kindergarten, in school or elsewhere.
I am still grateful to my mother and all the other women today for that which they have confessed to me.
For me, as a child, it was always clear that I never want to be like my father. I never did.
From me, there was never a danger, but other men are violent and alcoholic, but also other single men try to talk to me about this and prove that I am a Narcissist, alcoholic and violent to make me only bad before all women.
I have never done any harm to anyone, never smashed or cheated, but I am always pretended to be the one who puts another at risk.
I’m very sensitive to my feelings.
And if you don’t understand why, you can’t do anything.
In alcoholics, violent and narcissists, I always make a big bow.
That I then make certain choices, is all about me and not about others or others.Only then everyone feels attacked by me and think that I have all the other harm, although this is not even the right approach.
But before I carry out an action, I will tell you so to speak that it means that I am too cowardly and would not have said.
I think it’s fair to announce what I’m going to do to not be an egoist. No, I don’t care what I do, but sometimes you have to make certain decisions so that others can look behind my facade. It brings me a little bit of whom I close to everyone and don’t let anyone touch me. Then I’d rather show my true feelings and don’t hide behind any walls.
My father warns pedophiles and I was pampered for years
Yes I have no idea of feelings, they always have only people who suck it, no other can have feelings except you, no experiences. (Attention Irony)
I just stopped talking about victim status.
And if I really wanted to die, I know how this is going relatively simple.
You can also get quite official, where was that in Switzerland? letting the death syringe give you, of course, you have to make an application, but if it is approved you can officially kill yourself legally.
So you want to die, cry or live?
With your attitude, you’re not a competitor to whom depressives?
I don’t mean that declining, I mean use your logic, there’s not much really attractive in the way you give yourself here in the comments, because you don’t need to be afraid of competition.
You wanted to take a swim course, but you get to know some people in the club.
I don’t care if you look at life as hell, but then do it for yourself.
Personally, I have enough trauma and depression I don’t need any of other people.
If you think it must be as good as you say.
Only you probably don’t know how to be alone in life and do everything by yourself.
I’m just here for my siblings and for my dump I’ve known for almost 11 years.
All the other guys can get me. Because they only see me as a competition. But I don’t want anyone standing in the way, so no one needs to be afraid that I’m sparking in between.
I just know that I’m needed to pay taxes and to pay the pension for others.
If it’s just that, that’s not a problem, but then I have the right to consider life as hell. For there is nothing in life for a single, except to pay taxes and pensions.
But if you have your pleasure, please.
You’ll know what you can do and then do it. Just what counts for you doesn’t have to count for me.
So you have suicidal wishes and believe that a partner could help you also you did not have any social contacts outside your mother?
It all sounds extremely unhealthy and is not on the single
and again women do not automatically make your life better some worsen everything.
Don’t let me put up your life story. Just because you’re bitter, it doesn’t apply to everyone.
The only thing I’m telling you is that you don’t have to starve or be trembling, you don’t have to have a relationship. There’s more in life than that. You’re counting something.
I’ve written that I don’t want to know the true backgrounds is so hard to understand.
By the way, I had been to your side by the death of my mother because I had Nimanden. When my mother died, I wanted to go after that time, only I was told that I can’t go after it, because it could be the one that could be sad if I wasn’t there anymore and I would leave the one alone. I’ve been set up. My mother misses me and I should be even lucky enough to be single and left alone.
But that only comes because there are people like you who want to express this to me.
But good, it worked.
It’s just stupid that I don’t have any other singles to help me make life harder.
I’d rather be a proud uncle and that for over 15 years I know at least that there are some who think about me and I don’t have to go through life alone.
I’ve never been disappointed by anyone, I’m completely satisfied with it, don’t be ridiculous now.
You’re problematizing something that’s just not a problem.
I’m pummy and Singel and happy, you’re on your way to the nasty, and you’re getting into your Singel fear, who is it better from us?
You are the one who is disappointed to be single and I am the person of the upper comment field. Since it’s my answer, I get all the comments.
It’s okay. I don’t want to talk to you about that.
I wish all the best.
It’s great if you set up in your little single world.
I think you’ve been disappointed and that’s why you decided that way.
But I don’t care what the reasons behind it are and I don’t want to know.
Make the best of it if you think this is the best for you.
you don’t realize your thinking has nothing to do with real women or real single has hmm?
You just talked too much shit about overweight.
Why because I dare to be satisfied with me as a person?
Sorry, I can’t take you so seriously.
What do you want to put pressure on?
With your idea, I do not take you seriously, I only feel pity and regret for your thought world.
I’m Singel, nobody laughs about me and now?
Do not have any disadvantages, are very happy and satisfied with it. Your theory doesn’t go, you just want to talk to you so you can justify your lust.
If you keep going with your take-off plan, it’s a bit edgy at some point, without energy you don’t get far.
I’m a happy pummel. ;
Eating behaviour, not nutritional plan, in german
Don’t eat masses like stupid, you’ll keep your weight. But don’t eat too little, for that you can calculate the calories realistically on normal weight.
The dietary behavior has once emotion and once habit, both must be processed.
What you want to do about sports and where you want to do sports is personally relative to me, but if you’ve got Bock on it just do.
What was called so beautiful at the time, each ar…Loch runs into the muckibude and who actually held what was in a club. In a fitness centre you can’t do a real sport. You’re better off in the club.
The association is fortunately not about making sports until you get lost, so the eating behavior is once in a second position.
It is much more important to have fun in sports.
I was not in a sports club for 18 years, but because it was the right place for me.
For me today, only swimming and team sports would normally be considered.
I used to have been to the gym, but you feel uncomfortable on your own.
No one has made a head for a nutritional theory.
I don’t know what a nutritional theory should be good at sports.
I like power swimming, but women don’t like men swimming, I already know.
Listen to yourself, there are enough women who even don’t care.
And for this, the leek type, so the slim and thin but endurance-sporty man is often less desirable, so you are not unattractive, there are women like me zb who find exactly such a type really pretty, but that’s just body attraction, you say yourself you are not superficial, then don’t make it too.
Every woman has to be able to see your character first, and you can’t believe that, so don’t talk so much nonsense.
Make sports that you like is neat so that you can do it and just stick to a healthy eating behavior.
This will prevent overweight, the eating behavior is the important.
I needed 25 years for the 50 Kg.
There are certain clothes from cut because fits size S excellent and size M would be too big. I have in general size M
Other sizes are not suitable for me.
When making clothes I have size order of 44/ 46. Yes, that’s narrow but from my side normal size.
I even know that I would have to train abdominal muscles because my abdomen falls in the reclining.
You can’t forget that I was a kid and adolescent. Yeah, I know I’d have to do sports. I’ve also swept a lot because it’s best for the muscles. After all, over 600 muscle areas are trained simultaneously during swimming.
I love swimming, but swimming clubs are becoming less and less and I don’t have the money around a swimming club.
I like power swimming, but women don’t like men swimming, I already know.
Nevertheless, I remain true to swimming. Because swimming is very fun,
I took part in equipment tournaments, athletics, swimming and also during swimming in competitions, and from school I also made forest courses, cross courses, at the pupil marathon and also took part in swimming activities.
It didn’t use anything. I was still, even though the girls didn’t know that I was a sports club, as if I didn’t do a sport and I was doing sports almost as well as the whole week over almost every day.
Who doesn’t know me likes to condemn me in advance.
Yeah, I’m always shy first, but that’s a self-protection. But if you get to know me better, you’ll get out of me. I’m laughing at very good jokes. I can be humorous, but also serious. That depends on what it is.
I’d like to be looked at superficially until I’ve been very deep. Then it’s time to find out that I can have a lot of fun and also a lot of business.
I’m usually open to everything and I’m reading a lot, just like I know a lot. Unfortunately, it is not appreciated.
Oh, I think it’s great, of course, that you made the normal weight, that’s also really ne work, but don’t overextreme it.
for men is the size M normal weight and narrow, you as a man with ann are more too thin
my roommate also wears xl for shoulder width though otherwise M went.
And this you are afraid to gain healthy weight is a feature of a magnificence it seems to be an initial stage with you but it must be considered and realistically considered, weight through muscle building is something positive.
Women have an interest in interesting men only because of a Kg number you will not be attractive it is due to your character and how you show you, example a shy man comes less well than a self-confident
a humorous better than a serious one
it’s the way you deal with the woman.
Also, I can’t blame you for seeing your life goal in a friend, because women are also only people who can suck like positive and everything mixed and mentally broken, relationship is not equal to hollywood romance.
Set goals for your own existence.
Give yourself to youtube times Peter Frahm who is relatively ok as dating and life coach for men.
And you can never make it right to an entire mass just individual. But above all you.
I’m right. I’m glad I just have to wear clothes size S and M. After all, I got it from pants size 38/ 40 to pants size 32. When I look at old pictures, I always wonder how I was.
Actually, I would have to make muscle build-up, at least that’s what doctors say to me, because my muscles are getting less and less, only then I’m afraid I’m taking weight through muscle build-up.
I had once had arm muscles, leg muscles and muscles on the calves. They all disappeared. Alchemy abdominal muscle disappears gradually.
But then, if I take weight through muscle build-up to me, then women also have no interest in me.
Whatever you do, it’s always wrong.
It is the problem of thoughts with such a magnificence, although you have really understood that a woman prefers a biologically healthy man, but if you think that it will be more thin to me forever because the basic idea is the same, the woman loves me only when I’m thirsty, this is in part an attractiveness feature but not absolutely everything, do not break down with such a fatal thinking.
I can very well understand that the overweight was extremely burdensome for you, but a normal weight is good enough it does not have to be improved, because to thirsty is leek and rather unattractive
If you were totally fat at the time and now are now in the standard range, it is quite clear that you never want to be overweight again.
When I was overweight, no one wanted to meet me. Just put on it that I looked like a little bullet. Now it’s not the case anymore because I’m over 50 kg. Taken off. I am still proud that I have done this alone. It wasn’t easy. At that time, no one talked about it when I took 50 kg. that I was a magess.
Why should I be considered a magessive at once when I’m in the norm and want to take a little more.
I know both sides and I just never say be thick again.
Someone who has never been thick in life can’t understand this problem and of course what the other wants to be thin. You have better chances of getting to know someone than if you’re to Dick.
Mager addiction means that you want to lose forever even if it is unhealthy, you can also have normal weight because it is a mental illness that affects only physically
I can’t have a beauty because my body is normal.
you don’t care what you’re talking about here you’ve got a faint, and this is a disease please go to a real doctor.
I’m just not ready to pay the toe as a single for everything and drive my head for everything. That’s so simple. I could, if I just wanted to bite my apartment door and run away. Is that so desired? Because then no one knows where I am and whether there is me.
That can’t be right.
In the meantime, my weight goes down again. I left my 63 kg and weighed about 62 kg.
If this goes on, I’ll be back between 50 and 60 Kg.
I don’t know it’s good, but I can only start with me.
I also need a small pressure medium to achieve something. I can’t always talk and talk, but I have to act.
If I’m just keeping my legs calm and all so thirsty, no one takes me so seriously.
Who really takes a single so seriously? No one, because everyone laughs about a single and just say that is the single to doof and nothing reaches. Even the singles to Doof are a woman to meet.
You have to say quite clearly that a single is not to doof, but it is all alone at the status.
A single is always and everywhere the lacquered, no matter what it is or concerns.
With the desired weight you are a care case or dead, quite simple.
This is true for life conservation, no one just lets you die if you’re in need of care, then the family has to run or a nursing home.
I don’t understand why you give the Singel such a huge space in your life, then you’re a singel, you can also live such a good life and, as I said, with your plan you can’t achieve anything. Unless you want compassion, this is the only thing you get for it.
Who’s talking about care?
Of course, if that happens, I would generally refuse to take action.
It’s no one to help me if you let me live alone, even though I’m okay.
Who wants to be cared for.
There is, after all, a patient’s order and it is possible to enter it in such a way that in certain cases a care is completely rejected.
So you should start before, as long as I really feel good and as long as you can talk about such things.
But if it should be too late, you can’t change anything.
Therefore, as long as my single existence is still good, you can talk about it and also make compromises.
This is also about the interests you want to achieve.
It’s better to talk about it first before there’s any slate.