Was passiert wenn man seinen Lebenslauf nur etwas verschönert?
Also ich meine, wenn ich einfach nur angebe, dass ich bei meinem jetzigen Arbeitgeber etwas länger gearbeitet habe. Zb Ansattt 1 Jahr 2 Jahre?
Ist das schlimm? Nein oder?
Also ich meine, wenn ich einfach nur angebe, dass ich bei meinem jetzigen Arbeitgeber etwas länger gearbeitet habe. Zb Ansattt 1 Jahr 2 Jahre?
Ist das schlimm? Nein oder?
Moin, Hat jemand Erfahrung mit online Geld verdienen? Und wenn ja wo mach ich sowas und wie?
Hallo ich weiß die chancen sind minimal aber trotzdem frage ich wie man es am wahrscheinlichsten schafft 🙂 LG
Hallo! Ich würde gerne wissen, wo der Grundfreibetrag durchgreift? 2022 liegt der Grundfreibetrag bei 9.984€ im Jahr. Das wären 832€ im Monat für die man keine Steuern zahlen muss. Bei einem Minijob verdient man ja 520€ pro Monat ohne Steuern zu zahlen, aber der Grundfreibetrag liegt doch höher? Wenn man nur einen Minijob hat ohne…
Was ist euer Ausbildung Gehalt aktuell oder damals?
Bin ich trotzdem krankenversichert wenn ALG 1 wegen Urlaubsabgeltung ruht
You can call the truth a bit different if you can prove it. I was reported “unemployed” for a long time, but I was allowed to continue using my former office in the university and got a certificate from my ex-husband for the time, I had been with him “guest scientist”. I then disguised my “unemployment” in all life cycles. Another time I had a work contract with a company for months, was also paid, but did not need to work. My position was to keep me ready for the case of a foreign mission, but never came. So think to what extent, depending on the philosophical approach, you can see it in such a way that you were somehow there for the company, think out an inimitable name and talk to your ex-husband if he can give you a witness for the time.
As a rule, some employers require a job certificate, depending on how important the job is. There the real duration is so or so noted.
Define bad. You’re lying in a document where you can assure your name below that the information is correct. In the worst case, this may lead to termination, because the relationship of trust is possibly no longer given. What did you end up, except maybe a resignation (in the trial period)?
Why would they tell me when I’m a good worker?
Because a good employee scores above all with honesty. Why don’t you lie to your employer as an employee or go behind? I’d think twice if I’d keep someone like that.
He won’t see that, and he’s just looking for a new good employee you can trust. As it comes: Don’t be foreseeable.
then the worker will get a problem.
It’s called fraud. If the new employer finds out, it’s a reason to cancel.
But why should they announce me if I am a good worker 🙂
Because you betrayed him.
You must also teach the testimonials from the employer, that’s coming out quickly.
Is fraud and, in addition, the duration of work is at work anyway
That’s how you never keep going in life, no matter where you are