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2 years ago

If you don’t have a fortune, there’s nothing going on except a letter without an end. Because, grab a nasty man in the torch and so…

Sounds good, right?


A few of the creditors don’t let it be based on themselves, but go on. Then there are dungeons and order of enforcement and the court officer. You will have to make an affidavital request, vulgo revelation oath. Then there are constipations, grades, etc. Schufa entry is mandatory. The employer does not like to see wages. Schufa entries are not so popular with contract conclusion. So you can cancel the latest phone for 1 Euro because you don’t get a contract anymore.

In the end, you will be thrown away all that is above the Pfändungfrei boundary. (You can find the piling tables on the Internet). What remains is enough for life, more but not.

And because the debts have evolved over years, they are now as high as in the beginning.

It then remains the private insolvency. Also not so bound without and to unpleasant conditions. If you’ve got them behind you, it’ll take a while to get creditworthy again.

Sometimes you can’t do anything for debt. However, consumer debtors should consider whether they really want to take the consequences.

Oh, yes, consumer debtor. There are the smart ones that somehow manage to get a new playstation, although they know from the beginning that they can’t pay them because, see above, nacky man and so. These smart fellow citizens move in the criminal field, starving fraud is called it.

2 years ago

Yeah, nothing.

If you don’t have anything that’s worth taking away from you, nothing happens.

They’ll write you funny Brieflis and you’ll play.

It’s a loan from a colleague.

2 years ago

If you can’t pay a money penalty at the police, you have to take the penalty in prison.

2 years ago

If you have to sell your valuables, your house/home will be taken away

2 years ago

Then there will be more and more debt until you pay, settle differently or go into graduate.