Was passiert wenn man mit getuntem Roller 70 cc erwischt wird?

Was passiert wenn die Polizei sieht das ich mit nem eigentlich 50 ger Roller 80 fahr weil ich ausversehen den falschen Motor eingebaut habe ( Mir wurde gesagt es sei ein 50 ccm Motor). Und wär es zudem Fahren ohne Fahrerlaubnis weil ich nur den Autoführerschein hab und da ist ja normal nur 50 ccm dabei.

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5 months ago

In my old home, the scooter was usually seized and extensively checked by the TÜV. After completion of the procedure, you were then allowed to pick up three moving boxes of small parts and the roller frame again. For this, however, each screw was also TÜV-tested.

Criminal proceedings came up. Driving without a driving permit, driving a vehicle that is not approved, can be expensive.

5 months ago

Start-up of a vehicle in spite of the cancellation of the licence and without driving licence.

The latter is a criminal offence according to §21 StVG, which can be punished with up to one year imprisonment.

The vehicle is expected to be shut down immediately.