Was passiert, wenn man im Flugzeug das Loch im Fenster zuhält?

Was passiert, wenn man dieses kleine Loch im Flugzeug-fenster den ganzen Flug zuhält? Ich habe gehört, dass es für Druckausgleich sorgt, weil das Fenster sonst kaputt gehen kann. Kann es passieren, dass das Fenster zerspringt, wenn man es zuhält?

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8 years ago

The windows in the aircraft consist of 3 discs, the outer disc, which represents a carrying part of the stretching and also has to withstand the cabin pressure, this has no hole.

The middle disk, which does not contain any pressure, but forms an air gap between the two disks, which is necessary for insulation. The exterior window cools extremely strong and would completely freeze without the middle disk. The small hole in the middle disk serves to prevent a pressure difference between the car pressure and the air gap.

And then there’s another 3rd disc you can touch. This disc protects the window from which you can touch it and scratch it. The outer window to exchange takes about 12h, the inner window can be exchanged within an hour.

If you could reach and maintain the hole, nothing would happen because the pressure difference would not become very large, since the total pressure is absorbed by the outer disk. (The hole is about 0.1 bar print. The cabin pressure is about 0.7 bar larger than the external pressure)

As an additional knowledge, even if one to two windows were completely missing, the Kabienen print can still be maintained completely (admission requirement).

8 years ago


So you’d have to hold all the holes in all the discs to influence the pressure in the cabin…

8 years ago
Reply to  Franzhummer1

In addition to air exchange, the hole ensures that there is no difference between the cabin pressure and the pressure between the inner and the middle disk. But that’s different from ‘in the plane’ and ‘outside the plane’.

The cabin pressure is not constant, but is also slightly lowered with increasing altitude.
But never so strong that the inner pane could bear any direct damage from it. But steter drops would cave the stone…

If all people were to keep their holes at the start and then at the same time tame their fingers away, then you might notice a short-term increase in the cabin pressure …

8 years ago
Reply to  AnReRa

This does not influence the pressure in the cabin, but only between the two discs.

8 years ago

– Nothing! Why not? Very simple because the hole is in the middle disk.

A window has three discs:

– the outer one which receives the actual differential pressure

– the mean, which ensures an air gap and thus a moderate pressure equalization to the inner structure, and

– the inner one that only serves as scratch protection for the middle disk.

The small hole thus serves primarily as a pressure equalization. But both discs, the outer and the middle, are able to maintain the differential pressure.

8 years ago

If the window would only burst by stopping the vent hole, our planes would have had more keen windows. The windows can also withstand the pressure for themselves, sometimes quite a bit of the fact that the pressure difference in this small area would eventually be too large as you could seal the hole.

8 years ago

As far as I know, the hole serves only for ventilation so that the disk does not strike.

8 years ago
Reply to  Franzhummer1

But the outer disk carries the entire pressure.

7 years ago

Nix happens. Is only that the air circulates

8 years ago

of course this cannot happen!

8 years ago
Reply to  Franzhummer1

because the pressure in the aircraft is not dependent on the one small hole in your window

8 years ago

you noticed that there are several windows than yours? if you are tormenting yours, there are still 100 others who compensate