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So, pragmatically speaking, it comes first to whether is a personal wound or a wound of all other people or a wound of another being or a postmortem thing to which I am now here, but only the possibility of answering and picking is not my field there you need to contact the competent investigative authorities who will soon communicate to appropriate experts.
If we remain with our own wound, we assume that there is no shot wound but a minimal injury in the tissue of the fingers through a knife when cutting vegetables, then it is a reflex that takes place instinctively and does not require any concern unless it takes place directly after cleaning from the bathroom with the toilet without cleaning agent with the same tongue and also the case I would not be the correct contact person and recommended expertly-competent help.
fun aside if anything found funny up there then had a good humor at any rate it is always a bit above the limit of what you don’t want to imagine and otherwise it was always nicely gloomy but that wasn’t asked right now but I have soft from the subject when you drop your wound with your tongue then you have found for you the proof that the person had more in common with animals than he wants to admit today because this is simply instinctive and reflexing the animals too
If you have already developed so many open inflammatory hearts through rotting teeth open wounds and pink red painful fast bleeding gums then I would say let it be better to go to a doctor and let you check and renovate refurbish and what is necessary but in principle you only distribute saliva and liquid on the wound to get the dirt out of the wound that is possibly in there and listen to it
This has meanwhile been optimized in medicine to such an extent that it is no longer necessary, but one can easily supply wounds by disinfection and connect them in the same way that no more leaves and branches have to bind to it and also the instinctive rubbing of earth into larger injuries would be inappropriate and has also been influenced, not now in the sense of it is super but in the sense of who too much earth will rub into the deep transformations of the earth.
Do you think the blood from the wound and even if you suck a bit in it and get yourself through the tongue then you clean the one like that in nature before some time ago the only way was to clean a wound if it bleeds if a wound still contains foreign bodies caused by the wound then it will also close with the foreign bodies and badly put out the rest of the tongue so long as the instin is
In terms of exudation phase, granulation phase, epithelial phase I would not have helped you now I explained it as simple as it was possible if you missed expertly-competent terms then only because I try to explain everything as I would explain it to a child because only because I could shin with professional words does not mean that I can answer a question and the other person understands what it is meant to be
Then you can remove dirt, but bring additional bacteria from your saliva into the wound.
animals lick their wounds always and their own wound lick helps cure
Huh, are you really sure? :/