Was passiert wenn man chlor einatmet?

Ist chlor so eine art droge wenn man sowas einatmet (z.B. reinigung für toiletten) Und warum darf man an sowas nicht riechen besser gesagt warum ist das so gefährlich?

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2 years ago


pure chlorine is present as gas at room temperature and atmospheric pressure. When you inhale this strongly creeping chlorine gas, it reacts with the liquid (water or substances containing water such as sweat, saliva, mucous linings in our mouth and our respiratory tract), with water and decomposes it. 2 molecules are formed, once underchlorinated acid (a relatively light acid, which is used, inter alia, in the swimming pool for disinfecting the pelvic water) and, on the other hand, HCL (hydrochloric acid (a strong acid)). This acid then etches away our moist surfaces (skin, mouth and throat, and the airways to the alveolas (pulmonary bubbles)). If too many of them are destroyed, you can no longer breathe (absorb oxygen) and you are suffocated.

The hypochloric acid in the swimming pool is dissolved in the water and kills the bacteria and pathogenic germs very well, is also only dissolved to a very small but sufficient extent in the pool water. max. 03 to 0.6 mg/liter. This is not dangerous for our health.

Best regards


2 years ago

D3Also the stuff is very reactive. It attacked the tissue and the bubbles go kaput. You’re being tricked. In the First World War it was used as a means of war led by Haber. These were the horrors of the trench war, which eventually led to the International Convention on War Law.

2 years ago

This is so dangerous because of the destructive injuries that one can bear of it

2 years ago

High chloride contents can be a sign for: drying out. Kidney disease. Metabolic aziosis, a state in which you, my brother, have too much acidity in your blood!

2 years ago

Chlorine is poisonous before you’re high, you’re dead.

2 years ago
Reply to  GalaxyClass

Why is chlorine poisonous?

2 years ago
Reply to  Clowneumel

Because it removes water from your body and causes etching

2 years ago
Reply to  GalaxyClass

Why is chlorine high?

2 years ago
Reply to  Clowneumel

Probably just a reaction of your nervous system to the water withdrawal