Was passiert wenn man auf 70 kg 250 mg Tilidin auf einmal nimmt?

Hi ich wollte wissen was passiert wenn man 250 mg Tilidin auf einmal nimmt ob es lebensgefährlich sein kann ?Ob man einen Rausch spürt ?Wie weg die Schmerzen sind ?Wann man dannach noch eine nachschmeißen dürfte (50mg)

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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

250 mg is a very high dosage. Please note that people can react very differently to substances. How to react cannot be foreseen. This has to do with individual metabolization, among other things. Therefore, dose information as to how to find it on the Internet is not to be considered as recommendations, but at best as guidelines. It is necessary to adapt to the personal ideal dosage sweetheart, if you take a taste of substance. Taking a high dose without knowing how to react to it is high-risk.

To this end, it should be said that the use of tilidine is accompanied by a low risk of dependence. In particular, minors must be advised of the ridge (unless of course it had been prescribed by the doctor).

General information about the typical effects and side effects as well as the risks associated with consumption can be found here: