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ist einmal lachgas schädlich?
ist es schädlich einmal in seinem leben bei einem trip lachgas auszuprobieren? also so 5-10 räusche und es dann nie wieder zu machen? oder hat man da schon mit gefährlichen folgen zu rechnen?
Hello, the best is a therapy. You’ll be stupid sometime. Get 50 cirrhosis and die and maybe still cancer. I drink too much, but alcohol is one of the most dangerous and hardest drugs ever. He has proven to be much more toxic than pure heroin. And alcohol is accepted and allowed only for cultural, historical reasons. It’s not too late now. Remember, if you start smoking, for example, then it is a stupid youth action you will regret, but you can still live a normal life. But if you become an alcoholic so early, your brain will be so brazed in a few years that you don’t deaf anymore and you’ll have a fucking life.
Then you won’t get too much in life because a good part of the brain is already destroyed on time for job search.
Healthy goes down the stream astonishingly fast
and life expectancy is also clearly limited.
Oh, yes, and there’s no fun in life.
The people you meet here can tell you from their own experience:
Then you get a liver damage quite early in life and probably won’t be a very good school or school. Training. It therefore has a negative impact not only on health but also on economic life.
You get severe organ damage up to liver cirrhosis alcohol is a cell poison that in dimensions can be absolutely positive but how everything becomes excessively harmful.
You won’t get old.
liver damage, intelligence reduction, social problems, unemployment, impoverishment, homelessness. That’s the way.
Then you have the fun of your life, highly recommended
The liver suffers.
At some point, no more goes without alk. Instead of friends, you’ve got baptism, you’ve got no more money and you’re going to land in the guts.