Was passiert wenn man Abschlussprüfung in der Ausbildung besteht?
Meine Ausbilderin sagt das die Note dann nicht so relevant ist, sondern es wichtiger ist zu bestehen.
stimmt das? Das steht dann nur drauf das ich die Prüfung bestanden hab ? Oder auch die Note oder wie ist das ?
The training consisted and thus the authorization to lead the corresponding profession, you have independent of the note.
In the case of applications, it is important who reads your application and looks after this person when applying for applications. Personally, I look at the grades at commercial grades because I know how to classify them from my own experience, also from the auditor. In other professions, on the other hand, where I lack this deeper insight, I do not do this because I cannot classify the notes there either.
If you’re with a four, you’ve reached the training goal.
Then there is only “last” in the certificate
The training is then terminated. Whether you’re still busy in the plant. should be clarified beforehand. Otherwise you have to report to the employment agency the next day and you are unemployed. Unemployment benefit is NOT repaid.
What if I’m with a two or three?
Where are the notes that have been reached in the exam?
The overall note is in your Sentence or Kaufmannsgehilfesbrief
But you still get a certificate from the vocational school.
Notes are also on it, but most importantly, of course, that you have passed
In a four, only “stocks”
As far as I know, many companies only see if you passed the final exam. Hardly anyone asks about the grades of the vocational school and whether you have completed them.
It’s over. And as soon as this is the case, you have successfully completed vocational training.
Is the note somewhere?
Note or Number of points on the certificate.
When you get involved, most people just want to see and get your secret letter. You’ll find out how you’re going to do it.
What is Gesellenbrief?
In my authority, the witness was decisive for a takeover.
School certificate from vocational school? Or do you think that’s what it says? I don’t know what it looks like
No company has ever been interested in what grade I have completed.
will it be time to apply?
if you passed, you may sneak yourself.
Your training contract has expired with notification of the result