Was passiert wenn man 7× 400mg Ibuprofen zu sich nimmt?

Habe 7× 400mg Ibu zu mir genommen und wollte fragen was jetzt mit mir passiert. Alle 7 Tabletten auf einmal. Kriege ich nur Magen Beschwerden oder muss ich zum Arzt? Hab das im Gegenzug zu Nikotin zu mir genommen. Bin auf Entzug und hab die Entzugs-Symptome nicht mehr ausgehalten. (Bin zu Hause und nicht in einer Entzugsanstalt oder sowas)

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2 years ago

Ibuprofen does not help against tobacco craving – nor is it strangely magical.

What happens if you take 7×400mg ibuprofen?

you ask yourself better, before such means are included.

2 years ago

Sorry, but what does this drug have to do with your withdrawal? Nothing, absolutely nothing. And doesn’t bring anything, extra stomach pain.

2 years ago

Yes, of course you should be a doctor. Especially since this does not affect withdrawal symptoms. This is a pure painkiller, no more.

2 years ago
Reply to  TsukiWriter

Ibuprofen doesn’t get any withdrawal symptoms.

2 years ago
Reply to  LokiRockOfAges

I didn’t say either.

2 years ago

2400mg a day you shouldn’t cross it. If you do not take anything that protects the stomach (e.g. omeprazole), you can get a gastritis.

If this doesn’t get better after a few days, you should visit a doctor.

2 years ago

There’s nothing happening, you could only get a bit of circulatory problems or nausea, but it’s not really dangerous.

Why did you take so much of it? The stuff is super corrosive for the stomach.

2 years ago
2 years ago

You should go to a clinic. This is an overdose

2 years ago

I sometimes take four at once and don’t notice anything