Was passiert wenn man 7× 400mg Ibuprofen zu sich nimmt?
Habe 7× 400mg Ibu zu mir genommen und wollte fragen was jetzt mit mir passiert. Alle 7 Tabletten auf einmal. Kriege ich nur Magen Beschwerden oder muss ich zum Arzt? Hab das im Gegenzug zu Nikotin zu mir genommen. Bin auf Entzug und hab die Entzugs-Symptome nicht mehr ausgehalten. (Bin zu Hause und nicht in einer Entzugsanstalt oder sowas)
You have already been told that you should contact the poison call in doubt.
Maybe this will help you.
Good luck!
Ibuprofen does not help against tobacco craving – nor is it strangely magical.
you ask yourself better, before such means are included.
Sorry, but what does this drug have to do with your withdrawal? Nothing, absolutely nothing. And doesn’t bring anything, extra stomach pain.
Yes, of course you should be a doctor. Especially since this does not affect withdrawal symptoms. This is a pure painkiller, no more.
Ibuprofen doesn’t get any withdrawal symptoms.
I didn’t say either.
2400mg a day you shouldn’t cross it. If you do not take anything that protects the stomach (e.g. omeprazole), you can get a gastritis.
If this doesn’t get better after a few days, you should visit a doctor.
There’s nothing happening, you could only get a bit of circulatory problems or nausea, but it’s not really dangerous.
Why did you take so much of it? The stuff is super corrosive for the stomach.
That depends on what you’re thinking.
Please call the poison call center and ask what you have to do! https://www.bvl.bund.de/DE/Workplaces/01_Food/03_Consumer/09_InfectionenIntoxikationen/02_Giftnotrufzentralen/lm_LMVergiftung_giftnotrufzentralen_node.html
You should go to a clinic. This is an overdose
I sometimes take four at once and don’t notice anything