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Weiß jemand wo man in Süd Indien saure Zitronen bekommt?
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Pflanzliche Produkte aus Fleisch möglich?
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Normally nothing, because ice finally goes, and this is under 0°C.
However, one should not overdo this. If you drink a lot of icey water, you run the risk of undercooling. If you continue to pour, the body temperature will sing to a dangerous measure.
If one still whistles his health and the warnings of the body, one risks a circulatory breakdown.
At the latest you drink something like that.
It is very cold and can be unpleasant in the esophagus and in the stomach.
You shouldn’t have sensitive teeth either.
Something bad does not happen, but you may have a sore throat because of the cold;)
Get a cold belly and freeze.
Since the cold water has to be heated to body temperature, you can assume that the energy used for it helps to decrease.
In extreme cases, a gastric undercooling is obtained. But only in extreme cases.
You drink cold water, that’s what happens.
There’s nothing happening
If you drink too much, you can get a neck light.
If I drink it too fast, I get a sore throat.
Your body will warm it up
It’s warming.
As long as water does not yet contain ice crystals, there is not much happening. Perhaps the veins narrow down along the esophagus for a short time. 🙂
You could also get “brain frost”.,takes%20or%20Eis%20schleckt.