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It is completely indifferent whether I let a piston run in a two-stroke or four-stroke engine without lubrication (at several thousand revolutions per minute). In all cases, the result is a capital motor damage, because the hot-running piston is frozen in the cylinder.
Piston eater means that the piston has jammed and in the ideal case still parts fly into the curb bevelled, i.e. cylinder in ash or witheorsxhsden
Piston eaters, as with any other internal combustion engine, I would think
Does the engine break?
Yeah… total damage… if the lubricating film tears off, that thing will eventually get stuck and no more moves.
You’ll have to go by bus tomorrow
Are you getting oil somewhere? I wouldn’t drive it dry. To the emergency push the pile up to the tank and get a bottle.
which oil, you don’t tank mix
If he has a self-mixer, he doesn’t have an oil and fuel tank