Was passiert wenn ich nach meiner ersten Arbeitswoche krank melde?

Hallo ich hätte da eine Frage an die,die sich bisschen besser auskennen was würde passieren wenn ich mir eine Arbeitsstelle suche z.b leihfirma eine Woche arbeite und danach wegen einer Operation 4 Wochen krankgeschrieben werde würde ich ein vollen Gehalt bekommen oder wie viel kriegt man am Ende ?

und können die mich einfach kündigen ?

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3 months ago

On the one hand, sickness allowance for the first 4 weeks of employment, i.e. the first 3 of the ranking, only for week 4 of the ranking (5 of the employment) is to be cancelled.

If you had a well-known and planned surgery in the time you didn’t tell the AG at the time of employment, I would count on termination even in the trial period.

If the AG knows about the OP and the expected failure before the contract of employment, I would not expect a termination here.

If the surgery was an emergency that you could not really count on, and the last stupid one can come to the termination in the PRobezeit, but don’t have to.

3 months ago

You fall into the sick pay and get less. You also have to count on the termination.

3 months ago
Reply to  Hhbdgbbk

No, man.

3 months ago

Well, honestly, it’s up to the employer. You can already report yourself sick on the first day. The problem is that a new job is almost always associated with a trial period.

So it could be possible that you’re going to get the job back. If it’s really an important surgery that can’t be pushed, I’d go to the employer and talk openly about it. Of course no medical details. You’re not obligated to do that.

3 months ago

That would be during the trial period and thus could be you get rid of the job – even if that’s a good reason.

Correction Section 2: No wage repayment in the first 4 weeks of a new job. Instead, you’ll have health insurance.

3 months ago

Usually you get a wage advance

But not in the first 4 weeks of employment there

3 months ago
Reply to  Antitroll1234

Right, you’re right. Contribution corrected. Thank you.