Was passiert, wenn ich in der verlängerten Probezeit geblitzt werde?

Ich befinde mich durch zu schnelles Fahren bereits in der verlängerten Probezeit und habe bereits ein Aufbauseminar abgeschlossen.

Nun wurde ich erneut geblitzt. Auf der Autobahn in einer 80er Zone. Ich schätze meine Geschwindigkeit auf ca. 110km/h.

Kann mir jemand sagen, womit ich nun rechnen muss?

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3 years ago

After the first A offense, you will receive the extended trial period you have already acquired and an invitation to participate in a building seminar.

You will not receive any further sanctions in the second A offense, but the recommendation to participate in a voluntary, traffic-psychological advice.

So that’s not a must, it’s just a recommendation. Whether you do this or not lies with you.

In the third A violation, the driving licence is withdrawn together with a lock of 6 months. After 3 months of this lock, an application for a new division can be made. Thus, in this case, the sign is taken for at least 6 months.

As regards the sample time after a new release, this remains active at this time, which has not been “disclaimed” before. Means that the sample time cannot be set up again, but the remaining time is still expected.

So before the withdrawal of the FE after 3rd. A-response, for example, still a sample time of 7 months, then once again this 7 months of sample time after the new release. The sample time thus does not decrease for the time spent without FE, but at the same time the sample time (unfortunate) does not increase to fresh 2 years.

Even simpler said:

The maximum duration of the sample period is 4 years (2 years normal + 2 years by extension). If the sample time is interrupted (e.g. by withdrawal of FE) the residual time of the sample time is continued in a new division.

3 years ago
Reply to  leonmarci

At the 2nd A offense, only one letter with the recommendation comes to participate in such a traffic psychic consultation. The FE is then withdrawn only at the 3rd A violation and for at least 6 months.

Simply put, there are no further consequences to fear in the 2nd A offense.

3 years ago

Also consider that since yesterday (09.11.2021) the new fine catalogue applies:


3 years ago

Speed exceeding about 30 kmh ? Adjusted then remain about 28 kmh ….


then, besides fine + point in Flensburg, there is also an invitation to a traffic psychic consultation on the program.


What are the consequences of an A violation in the trial period?

If you commit an A violation, the trial period will be extended to four years and you need to visit a building seminar. After that, if you make an A offense, you will be warned and will receive the recommendation to complete a traffic-psychological advice. In the third A violation, the driving licence is finally withdrawn.

Depending on how much zeith was between the two speed surges, a driving ban can then also occur.

3 years ago

First of all, you get the corresponding fine.

Then it’s crucial if you’re above or below 20 km/h after deduction of tolerance.

At under 20 km/h, nothing happens.

From 21 km/h, you will receive a recommendation to participate in a deceit-psychological advice. It is voluntary and costs around 300,-. Whether you take part or don’t care at first. A certificate of participation should be submitted to the driving licence.

It becomes decisive when an A-impact occurs again in the extended sample time. Then the driver’s license is gone. It can then be re-application after an MPU. Here again the certificate of participation comes into play. If one has not given off, one is classified as “uninstructive”. A MPU is then arranged with certainty and it is particularly difficult to pass the MPU.

3 years ago

You’re a repeater. The authority will proceed against you in accordance with the legal provisions. That’s what the others wrote to you. Irrespective of this, the authority can always arrange more stringent measures to your inconsistencies. Wait for what’s coming.

3 years ago

It may be that your driving suitability will be challenged.

3 years ago

Hopefully you have to, the instructive, now the driving licence ABGEBEN! 👍👌👏👏👏

3 years ago

I hope you’ll have to leave the lapel. You don’t take the necessary responsibility.

3 years ago
Reply to  leonmarci

She will.

People like you provoke accidents and show no insight. I know enough of the little ones like you who think it’s something big to kick the accelerator pedal.

You shouldn’t be allowed to drive cars.

I’ve got my driver’s license for 20 years and I’ve only got a speed transfer and no accident. This is what it looks like when you use the knowledge from the driving school.

3 years ago
Reply to  leonmarci

You get normal answers, I don’t read anything unusual.

3 years ago

You’ll have to wait a long time for your driver’s license.

3 years ago
Reply to  Agnes2019

Excuse me.

3 years ago
Reply to  Flausen

Not suitable

3 years ago

It remains to be judged. First of all, he is allowed to pay as normal as any other. The appearance is not automatically gone.