Was passiert wenn ich in der Probezeit 3x geblitzt werde und draufging Fahrerflucht begehe?

ich bin von Unfall abgehauen und ich wurde 3x geblitzt? jetzt ist die frage was sind die Konsequenzen

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6 months ago

You get a sentence to be determined by the judge because of the accident curse. Depending on the circumstances, also the withdrawal of the driving licence. Besides, it’s an A offense.

The flashers have the respective warning money/money sequences and possibly Points/no driving result. Possibly, this is also (possibly in part) A violations.

The first decisive A-impact results in a construction seminar and sample time extension. The other A violations have no sampling time sequences.

Due to the overall circumstances, the driving licence authority could also request an MPU.

6 months ago

With regard to the pure sampling time measures, three established speeds would be exceeded on one day by administrative means. together only one time as an A violation. Right of order, however, after BKat, you will be drawn individually with the corresponding fine and, if necessary, depending on the amount of the excess, with the driving ban(s) and point(s).

In addition, probably in addition, a criminal procedure for the unauthorized removal from an accident site. In this case, however, it is even more accurate to what really happened there with any such as high material damage and possibly even a personal injury, and then possibly even in addition to criminally omitted aid.

With PS + UH in conjunction with UeEvU, the flap would be complete with maximum probability by withdrawal, including the blocking period for the possible new release incl. then the following MPU addition will be found on request for new division. To this end, in the case of a conviction for adult criminal law, probably not under about 40 to 50 daily rates fine even as a first-person.

6 months ago

Hopefully you’ll never be allowed to run a car in traffic again. Because you’re obviously a danger to everyone else.

6 months ago

Lap very long away. The rest is the discretion of a judge who will accept you. From a fine to parole to jail everything is in

6 months ago

In any case, you have to be determined that the driving licence will be withdrawn.

6 months ago

Hopefully jail.

6 months ago

Accident curse..


It’s a crime. In the trial period.. rather sharpening! So even after the actual penalty is not a new driving permit.

6 months ago

Driving license away, fine, prison and for a long time.

6 months ago

Full program … lapping away, fine, points, and and and

6 months ago

comes to the exceeding

Driver curse, there can even threaten prison

6 months ago
