Was passiert wenn ich im Ausland (Türkei) ohne Führerschein Auto fahre und dabei erwischt werde?

Hat es Konsequenzen auf meinen späteren Führerschein in Deutschland? Wie ist der Ablauf? (Hab sowas natürlich nicht vor😮)

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1 year ago

Anyone who gets caught abroad without a valid driving permit is subject to the respective laws there.

Usually, there is a fine for foreigners, some of which are quite good. They usually have to be paid on site.

In addition, it can be that you seized the vehicle. This must then be triggered later for expensive money. What could happen then would be a message to the German authorities sent.

Within the EU you can wager on this. This can, not necessarily, have implications here, too.

1 year ago

Hi, no. You’d get the penalty in Turkey.

Consider that the penalties in the Auland are usually harder than in Germany, where there are basically rather mild penalties.

In a Turkish prison cell, there is no mood for holiday on ^^^

1 year ago

In Turkey, no one is strapping, I can assure you ‘-‘

You’d probably get a fine. I don’t know if your driving licence can be taken away