Was passiert, wenn ich eine Tablette, die während dem essen eingenommen werden muss, vor dem Essen einnehme?
Ist das lebensgefährlich? Sind keine Schmerzmittel, sondern Nahrungsergänzungsmittel.
Ist das lebensgefährlich? Sind keine Schmerzmittel, sondern Nahrungsergänzungsmittel.
Ich kenne zwar die Marke nicht Ist das gut
Macht ihr euch manchmal Smoothies ? Gibt es da bestimmte Kombinationen die ihr gerne trinkt? Bei mir sind es oft Früchte der Saison mit Nüssen und etwas Speiseöl. Seid ihr da vielleicht experimentierfreudig? Gemüse mit Obst etc…?
Hatte Eier gekauft und laut Blick war alles okay-jetzt zu Hause habe ich im Eierkarton gesehen/gemerkt ds ein Ei aufgebrochen ist-etwas ausläuft und festklebt im Karton Ei irgendwie zu retten oder lassen?
Alle 2-3 Wochen.
This will not be dangerous to life, but to achieve the whole effect, one should adhere to the manufacturer’s acceptance requirement.
Regardless of this, one should handle food supplements very carefully.
I’d definitely discuss taking with my family doctor.
A food supplement? Life-threatening is certainly not to take it at the wrong time.
The nutrients contained are best absorbed by the body if you take it as recommended.
If you are the tablet direct swallow before eating, but shouldn’t make a big difference.
If life is dangerous, no doctor in the world would give you home for self-taking.
If you take that differently, it can be that the effect is filled.
This is NOT life-threatening, only the effect is possibly different.
If you’re supposed to take it during the meal, do it.
In the best case, it works as usual, in the worst case, it has no effect.
It is harmless, but the effect can be somewhat impaired.
Many supplements are absorbed much worse in isolated form. Aside from a meal, their dwelling time in the digestive system is greatly reduced, or there are no accompanying substances necessary for the absorption.
Moreover, if this is completely sober, it can stress the stomach unnecessarily. In the worst case, you even have to hand over (but is quite unlikely with a small iodine tablet).
But if you swallow it before the first bite or after half the meal, it doesn’t make any difference. You shouldn’t take 30 minutes before the actual meal.
Since dietary supplements have little to no effect, it doesn’t matter when you take them
Nothing happens, don’t worry.
They’re just as useless in the normal case before eating as after eating. There’s nothing going to happen.
The effectiveness is minimally reduced.
It doesn’t matter. What NEM is it?
Jod tablets
Doesn’t matter when you take it. The recommendation during to take food is given because there are people who misuse iodid tablets on sober stomach.
It doesn’t matter… before, during or after eating.
I don’t care.
About Anna