Was passiert wenn ich die Pille danach nehme, woher weiß ich wann ich meine Tage kriege und meine Pillenpause machen muss?
Ich nehme die Pille, muss aber die Pille danach nehmen. Woher weiss ich wann ich die Pillenpause machen muss und wann ich meine Tage bekomme? Kann ich meine Pille dann normal wie immer weiter nehmen?
Not with pill. The pill break is the only reason for this bleeding – the bleeding. Not the other way. Blister to continue
Thank you
NOTE: If you take the pill after that you can lose the protection of the pill. The protection will only begin once the pill has been removed after the pill at least 14 days uninterrupted and error-free.
Greetings HobbyTfz
and how about taking the pill after I took the pill after that? Do I take the normal, take a break as usual and start again as usual? Or do I have to move something
You don’t need the pill after that.
If you take it, then you take the pill quite normal, but have to additionally prevent the first 14 uninterrupted days of taking pills
Did you have a mistake you didn’t compensate for? Make sure to trade by package leaflet!
Otherwise, the pill then shifts a possible ovulation to the rear, but it does not affect the taking of the normal pill at all, please continue as you had and prevent it first.
You don’t get the period when you take the normal pill, but you should forget one completely within the first two weeks of taking (packing supplement!), or have vomiting or diarrhea and you don’t take it, it can come to a spontaneous ovulation.
What do you mean for me? Should I take the pill after that or not? I didn’t have a mistake to take, had it just after I took the pill a little diarrhea, I don’t know if that’s why the effect is gone now
Only aqueous diarrhea is relevant, non-soft chair.
A little watery doesn’t exist, just like a little pregnant.
Why don’t you take the package leaflet of your pill and read how to act in the respective week of intake.
What if it was watery but just a little?
You can keep the pill on normal. Since the pill can then reduce the effect of the pill, you should additionally prevent 14 days with condom. If you’re done with the pack, a bleeding should occur. After the pill, the bleeding can then move up to 5 days. If no bleeding occurred after 7 days, you should take a pregnancy test.
Thanks, does that mean that I keep taking the pills as usual? And take the break on the day I do it all the time and start taking the pill again the day I always start taking it back? Or do I have to move something? I’m totally confused.
You can take the break as usual and then continue with the new pack as usual.
I was in the same situation at the last time and then I was advised in the apotheke where I was told that.
And how do you know? Is that sure I can do that?
Isn’t that in the order?
As I understand, the pill then virtually triggers the menstruation, thereby preventing the infection or pregnancy. After that, you should start a new ‘pill month’, depending on what it looks like.
Completely wrong, the pill then shifts the ovulation backwards, preventing fertilization.
When taking the pill usually completely superfluous.