Was passiert, wenn ich das ersetze?
Mache mir momentan immer 2 Eiweißshakes und 1 Eiweißjoghurt. Pro shake nehme ich 250g Magerquark, 56g Haferflocken und einen Apfel.
Allerdings werde ich von Magerquark immer richtig müde.
Wenn ich jetzt stattdessen Eiweißpulver nehme, was passiert dann? Nehme ich dann ab? Was noch?
Ich esse zusätzlich noch Eiweißbrot und viele Kerne.
Find the combination better than protein powder. In principle, I am more likely to use a fan of proper food and to do without powder more because there is usually a lot of crap in it for expensive money. Maybe it would make you less tired if you split the portion. Or maybe only half the quark for an apple more (it should be better digestible). Whether you take it depends on your calorie balance – regardless of what you are. With me, due to lack of muscle mass, it was actually only 1000 calories a day so it will be difficult to eat and lose halfway normal and healthy, so now I am working to increase my basic turnover.
Is tested by ESN and good quality. It’s just milk protein. Shit’s not that.
Probably the product is fine, yet relatively expensive. Can you try it for a while? Just don’t burden your kidneys with too much protein, and if you take it depends on other factors, as I said.
I don’t know 🤔 in lobbying these days. In any case, be careful with the artificial products (no matter whether vitamins, protein or anything else). At least I noticed that the 80-100 generation is often much older and healthier than the following consume the more industrial products. It’s frightening what’s going to get in our food and also panned in.
The kidneys are a stupid myth.
You should completely change your diet to also decrease sustainably.
Focusing on EW will not be a lasting success.
You can easily lose weight with 35% KH, 35% EW and 30% F
Of course all calculated on your calorie balance
Of course, you can take off with the shake, but in the long run you will increase again.
Edit: Have read that you also make oat flakes – ok, KH would be given, but where are fats? Ballasts? Vegetables?