Was passiert wenn eine Frau ein Tampon vergisst?

Das hab ich mich schon mal gefragt. Also man hört das hin wieder das sie auch mal ein Tampon vergessen. Im Normalfall wenn der richtig sitzt spüren sie den nicht, laut Aussage. Angenommen es wurde einer vergessen und es kommt zum Sex und der Mann ist vielleicht noch gut bestückt, würde er den Tampon weiter rein schieben und gibt es dann höllische Schmerzen und innerliche Verletzungen. An das Band kommt man doch glaube ich auch nicht und muss das raus operiert werden oder ohne sex, kommt der Tampon dann voll von alleine raus?

Ja, habt ihr da schon so erfahrungen mit gemacht?

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6 months ago

If you forget a tampon it comes to painful relatively quickly, which is why you certainly have no sex and then blood poisoning occurs even after a few days. A well-known one of me would almost have died.

If you have sex with Tampon, the man realizes that and shouldn’t get his thing further as a crazy one when the tampon at the end of the vagina or at the mother’s mouth is very painful

6 months ago
Reply to  BlackSoul818

You can either get yourself out with the fingering or the women’s work with a pliers. It can’t go so far that you have to surgically remove it

6 months ago

But the sponge can even go inside that I don’t have an endless just down there. In the cut is a vagina in non-excited condition 8cm-12cm long since you come almost everywhere.

The cup is a pick-up cup but I don’t get clear at all. I only use washable ties, periods underwear and very rarely a softtampon, with normal tampons I don’t know

6 months ago


6 months ago

If you notice it in time, it’s harmless. You feel almost nothing in the complete vagina. It’s only unfortunate if it’s not fully sucked, but the gynecologist can help.

There are also softtampons that have no thread at all, and you get it out 😉

6 months ago

Yes and most washable binds are much better for the intimate flora

6 months ago

Go without threads with the fingers.

This is not a drama, as in the normal investigation a speculum is introduced (which spreads the vagina) and then the tampon is gripped and removed with a medical pliers. This is not pliers like in the tool suitcase but already a medical 😅 that usually does not hurt…

6 months ago

If a woman forgets a tampon in herself for a long time, she can get TSS (Toxic Schokssyndrom) this is a bad disease triggered by the bacteria of the tampon. As it is at the GV I don’t know so exactly, but I think if she forgets a tampon for a long time, it can also happen that she doesn’t get the thing out. Then you have to go to the doctor and they will try to pull out the tampon with a tweezers/pliers. If you forget the tampon it can also be very severe pain and there is no woman with healthy mind to have the idea with this pain GV

6 months ago
Reply to  BlackSoul818

The disease can lead to severe organ failure. Symptoms: high fever over 39 degrees, chilling, head and muscle pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, increasing body weakness

6 months ago


6 months ago

I’m glad you’re interested in ☺️👍🏻

6 months ago

Gerne ☺️ich find it great that you are interested as a man for the period most find it disgusting

6 months ago

Yes such a cup can be used up to 10 years

6 months ago

Do you mean how to use it? So usually one cooks the cup in the hot water some do not do it, but when you cook it it comes it more easily pure I think. Then you take the cup, fold it together, go into the hockey and introduce it into the vagina. There the silicone folds on

6 months ago

Mostly, the symptoms are set with mid-40

6 months ago

Be glad you’re a man. You can save the shit with the period 😅

6 months ago

Yes. I am a woman myself and in school we have learned this

6 months ago

This happens more often when you’re busy with other things you often forget that you have to change the tampon. I personally use tying I can’t swim with it and so I spare the disease

6 months ago

In the worst case, you can also lose your legs