Was passiert wenn ein Blauwal gegen eine Seewespe schwimmt?
Hi, Ich habe mich schon immer gefragt was passiert wenn so große Säugetiere mit einer Giftigen Qualle in Berührungen kommen und wie vermeiden solche Tiere auch Haie mit so einem Tier in Berührung zu kommen die wissen ja nicht das die Giftig sind ?
They have a correspondingly thick skin to be prepared against this. For otherwise they would often have quite a problem in the sea;)
Can’t be that it lies on the skin there must be more behind
Why can’t that be? What reacts to such enclaves or fire wounds in humans? The skin. A whale has a very thick skin with a thick fat layer underneath it. It’s not so sensitive.
The skin of sharks was used earlier as sandpaper for processing wood. They don’t know if they touch a jelly. The whales are a little different. Her skin is not as strong as the sharks, but very thick for it. In addition, the skin of the whales has very few pain receptors. In South Africa, I saw a gull chopped a piece out of the skin of a whale. It didn’t look like the whale of that would have noticed.
The bigger the animal, the thicker the skin. Blue whales have such a thick skin that the toxins of the kernels cannot penetrate them at all.
Say the blue whale wouldn’t even notice that he touched something.
Sharks and dolphins do not have such a thick skin
But also dolphins have an active skin, so that it comes to Gray’s paradox. However, how far seaweeds use their nessels depends, of course, on the circumstances in which the nessels are triggered.
Have you ever tried to embarrass a frog with nettles? It’s not because the cuffs don’t trigger frogs.
So there are a number of aspects that should be considered in answering the above question.
Depends on the size.
If the animal is large enough, or depending on its biology, the stings of jellyfish for the animal are not worse than puppy stings.
Otherwise it’ll die.
The thickness of the skin, however, does not say anything about whether this is all bleeding or insensitive mucus or mucus. It’s cornea. The skin of whales is thick but the epidermis is quite bleeding, relatively thin and sensitive to irritation.
The whale does not have direct contact with these animals depends much on the flow behavior of the water around the whale and on the whale. Even if a whale would direct a seaweed, he wouldn’t meet her.
What is important here is to understand how the Grayian paradox comes in elections. This depends on the structure of the skin, which also directly influences the flow properties and the resistance in the water. It is actively prevented from eddy formation of the flow, which, of course, also leads to the fact that annoying livestock manure does not collide so easily.
In order to actively lead the gray paradoxon, the leather skin and epidermis are connected to papillaries. However, the fat layer of the selection skin lies below the leather skin. The epidermis is with the top thin layer of the skin. The epidermis is not like a protective corneal and quite sensitive.
On the abdominal side of elephants there are areas where the skin is not thicker than in humans.
Have you ever seen a turtle stabbed by a mosquito?
Are they a marine expert?
Experts in the Latin sense of learning quite well, because in my age one might have had many decades of time, knowledge of one’s own and some is simply general education for me.
Or otherwise expressed, by my age and developments of Germany with pre-war and post-war times and since we are still today, I had quite a lot of areas of expertise and work or hobbies, so that one inevitably knows more than someone who has only a fraction of professional or life experience.
They don’t care. Her skin is much too thick to be penetrated by the nebula.
True the poison is for tissue Toxic there can be no matter how thick the skin is.
The puppy dies.