Was passiert wenn die Kassiererin zwei Sachen nicht mitberechnet hat?
Hey Leute
heute ist einem Bekannten von mir eine sehr dumme Sache passiert und wir wissen nicht was wir machen sollen
undzwar ging mein Bekannter heute zum Lidl und hat ein paar Sachen gekauft dabei auch 2 Kisten Wasser er benutzt auch sehr oft die Lidl plus App benutzt bei jedem Einkauf (somit haben die all seine Daten) jetzt ist es so passiert das die Kassiererin die zwei Kisten Wasser nicht dazu berechnet hat im Betrag und wir wissen nicht was wir machen sollen und ob wir jetzt dafür Probleme bekommen könnten
wäre nett wenn ihr helfen könntet
danke schonmal im Vorraus
This is her problem, not yours or your buddy! If they don’t calculate the luck for you!
If you feel more comfortable, say it at the next visit and pay the boxes.
Otherwise nothing can happen to you. No one controls over a camera or the like whether everything has been taken in your car.
Also, after all, the cashier has to make sure she captures everything.
This is not your problem, but the problem of the shop.
I don’t know who gets the problems – but surely your acquaintance doesn’t get any. After all, he wanted to pay.
You can’t get any problems
Dümmer goes taker! (Sorry, please) No person is so doof & points out a cashier that she missed some shopping products!!! She then has the problem on the evening ! I don’t believe to ask such questions ! Do you think that your confession will be presented as a poster in front of the Lidl? With the advertisement “Gutmensch”?
And because it was in his favor, it’s not a problem. Just forget and good.
Honest customers would have said at the checkout that there are two boxes of water down in the car. Unfortunately, many people aren’t honest and at the expense of others are an advantage.
Since the two boxes of water were not “booked” they are not included in the LIDL app. So nothing happens to him.
Probably, the SEK will run your door soon as you have violated §454 BGB. It’s probably going out for life.
But only in extreme cases
+100 aura for u
All right, Commissioner.
Buy my book to overcome your deppretions. Think of yourself, you can do it!
I didn’t have to laugh at the joke.
be honest and make it right