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1 month ago

When pepper spray runs out, it loses effectiveness over time. The main component, the capsaicin, which ensures the irritation effect, can decompose, making the spray less effective. The pressure in the container also makes it possible that the spray no longer works properly or no longer sprays sufficiently far. In some cases, the spray mechanism can also block. Therefore, it is advisable to replace expired pepper spray to ensure that it works reliably in case of emergency.

1 month ago

I’m sorry.

But the effect could diminish, or the consistency of the agent could change, so that the nozzle clogs when triggered (which could limit the range and function), or the propellant gas becomes weak, which affects the range.

In all cases, in case of emergency, you would be in a worse initial position.

1 month ago

Since it is of plant origin and biodegradable, I could imagine that the effect of time will be reduced

1 month ago

The main problem is the pressure. I tried out once, and the sauce just went down my fingers. Such cans are never completely dense and the propellant gas diffuses out.