Was passiert mit Packet, wenn es ankommt und ich nicht Zuhause bin?
Ich war jetzt zwei Wochen im Urlaub und habe währendessen ca. 6 Packet bestellt. Ich wohne im ersten Stock eines Mehrfamilienhauses. Was passiert mit den Paketen, die ankommen und niemanden antreffen?
“Packed” delivered with Hermes will not arrive anyway, even if you are home and are standing under the door in a waiting position.
Either they will be delivered to a neighbor when one declares themselves ready or the packages will be placed in a post/DHL branch where you can pick them up within seven days.
Be brought to a branch where you can pick them up.
Then it comes to the branch and waits for you about a week.
*Besserwissermode to: Package is written without c.
And if I don’t pick it up in time?
After 7 days return to sender.
Return to Station.
Go back.
Depending on the service provider, this can vary. Coagulation
Go to the package shop. After 7 days return to the consignor.
It’s also useful if you’re not home to give orders!
Good idea to order goods, though you know you’re on vacation.
Either you can pick them up NOCH or they’ve gone back.