Was passiert mit Krankenkasse wenn man ins Ausland geht?

Hallo, ich überlege ein Auslandsjahr zu machen entweder ein Aupair Jahr oder Schüleraustausch.

Da ich mich schon etwas bei verschiedenen Organisationen informiert habe weiß ich das man wenn man es über so eine macht über die dort Versichert ist.

Wie würde das dann ablaufen? Rufe ich einfach bei meiner Krankenversicherung an und sage ich bin ein Jahr weg oder gibt es da bestimmte Fristen oder sowas?

Und muss man dann in der Zeit auch nichts zahlen hier?

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3 months ago

As long as you are in Germany Report you are not synonymous with “have an apartment in Germany” or “stop in Germany”!), you are subject to insurance in Germany, i.e. the foreign insurance is then additional. The foreign insurance is only a supplement to the German one, which, in principle, does not accept medical care abroad.

However, up to 18 are anyway, usually up to 23 or 25 for the parents, therefore I would be interested in what your exact situation is, why you ask this question.

3 months ago
Reply to  Charly201221

If you are unsubscribed from Germany, the claim for child money will be cancelled… Just stay logged in and stay covered by the parents, this is the most financially beneficial, legally safest and most reasonable solution, which also makes the least work.

3 months ago

If you make a year abroad, the insurance depends on whether you are insured about the organization. You should still inform your health insurance here that you are going abroad. Often a special foreign insurance is offered to you or you need to adjust your existing insurance for the period. Usually you continue to pay contributions during your stay, but it may also be that they change depending on how you are insured. Time limits or certain formalities vary, so it is important to contact your health insurance early.

3 months ago

German health insurance can be maintained up to one year.

However, if you work abroad, you are covered by DORT insurance.

For Au pair services there are special offers at the Hanse-Merkur.

3 months ago
Reply to  Charly201221

You don’t need to pay twice. But in Germany you’re probably still in family insurance anyway?

Then you should have a supplementary insurance abroad. For example, one that also secures the return transport.