Was passiert mit dem ei?
Ich hatte heute eine spektakuläre Idee.
Ich nehme zwei Scheiben Toast und lege ein rohes Ei dazwischen. Das Ganze lege ich dann für fünf Minuten in den Sandwichmaker.
Wird das funktionieren? Wird das Ei zwischen dem Toast fest wie ein Spiegelei?
I’ve done that before and it was a huge mess because the egg completely ran out of the sandwichmaker 😂😂😂
Works, but this becomes more a mixture of scrambled eggs and slurry. If you’ll get it in the sandwichmaker.
Do you think it tastes?
Well, without spices, salt etc…. Half walked into bread…. Meh.
I’d just take a slice of bread and try.
What do you want to do with a raw egg between two toast slices?
That’s what it’s starting to do – you’ll have half gone out before this “something” is in the sandwich maker…
You will find it “unspectacular” at the latest when you need to clean up the mess!
Spectacular it would be only with bacon in between
the egg runs out between the broth discs. riesen madness when you ask me.
try the whole thing with a braided bun – you just have to knock it back in a hurry – that would work with sausage.
I think it’s only when it’s burned out.
It’s gonna be hard, but if you don’t get mad until it’s solid.