Was passiert jz nachdem ich eine Mail an Investor Relations Abteilung gesendet habe?

Ich habe nachgefragt, wie die Dividendenauszahlung stattfindet.

Werden die jetzt sofort meine Kontaktdaten haben wollen um mich auf eine Liste zu nehmen um mich für wichtige Events einzuladen?

Werde ich dann auch Gratis Produkte bekommen bzw kaffee und kann auch dannd er CEO bzw CFO mich privat einladen?

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1 year ago

Of course, you will respond professionally to your question and answer friendlyly, call the date and also point out where you could have found it yourself.

Your Address they had before, if you only buy a single name share (which is almost all of these days) you will be entered into the shareholders’ register by your broker.

On this path you will also receive Invitation to important events (General meeting).

There is also something free for you as a shareholder: cheapest catering at the Annual General Meeting. In some companies, there is even more, but the general meeting is also the place and the time of handover.

At the Annual General Meeting, you will almost always of the CEO, sometimes also invited by other executives, such as the Chief Financial Officer. Go for it!

1 year ago

Maybe if you’ve written the mail in English, because you’re a global investor.

1 year ago
  1. You don’t get an answer. They have better to do than answer beginners’ questions
  2. You don’t care. Why would you ask for a question?
  3. They have nothing to give away and the CEO/CFO invite people to be the Mega Global investors and not to dream about it.
1 year ago

No, they won’t.

1 year ago

Are you bored, you spider?