Was passiert in einer Reha?

hallöchen, ich bin ein 18 Jahre altes Mädchen und habe ein Alkoholproblem. Ich hatte aber schon seitdem ich ein Kind bin ein auffälliges Verhalten und die Vermutung auf psychische Erkrankungen. Das ganze läuft jetzt aber ein bisschen aus dem Ruder weshalb ich es sehr stark in betracht ziehe zur Reha zu gehen. Jedoch war ich für 4 Jahren in einer Klinik und es war schrecklich. Keinerlei Freiheit, alle waren total streng und es viel mir deshalb sehr schwer dort zu bleiben und ich brach nach einer Woche ab. Wie ist das in einer Reha? Hat man Freiheit? Gibt es klare Regeln? Ist man mit jemanden auf einem Zimmer?
lg und danke für Informative vernünftige antworten

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6 months ago


First of all, I find it very remarkable that you want to change something about your situation and consider a rehab – this is an important step towards improvement. It is strong that you want to inform yourself about the framework conditions in advance to know how it can take place.

Well, it is difficult to give a general statement on the framework conditions, as each clinic pursues its own concept.
Basically, it is so that you first make an application that needs to be approved after a cost carrier. If you have received a commitment, the clinic usually sends you an invitation letter with an appointment. The good thing is the right of choice and choice, which means that you can choose the clinic yourself and not follow the recommendation of the cost carrier. However, there are certain conditions for this, such as the suitability of the clinic for your illness. Since there are different types of rehabilitation, I would like to take a closer look at the medical rehabilitation dependency. Here you can submit an application by using a search counselling agency or specialist outpatient clinic. If this is approved, it may be that before your stay you have to make a detoxification so that the entrance becomes a bit more pleasant for you. If you decide to stay in a hospital, a short-term or long-term therapy is usually applied. As the stay continues, it often depends heavily on the clinic itself.
There are some clinics that offer single rooms. You should clarify this in advance, if that is important to you. Each clinic also handles the subject of rules differently. Generally, however, there are treatment appointments everywhere that need to be followed. For example, most of them presuppose themselves at the common eating times. If you’re interested in how a day can take place, why don’t you have a weekly plan for a clinic? I think you get a good overview and can imagine more under the process. Between the numerous appointments, however, you still have (enough) time for yourself. Most clinics have attractive leisure facilities and/or are in a pleasant environment, so you can take a walk, for example.
Since you are already full-year, you are free to end your stay at any time, the clinic should not allow you or feel uncomfortable. If you like and want to know more about the topic, you can also contact me. I’m here for you.

In short: We are professional social workers and offer space for discussions, advice and support. Our offer is of course voluntary, confidential, free of charge and if you like anonymously. If you want, you can just write to us directly or look past our subreddit r/Digital_Streetwork. If you write to us, please note that it sometimes takes a bit until we answer you (usually we will answer you in the week (Mo-Fr) within 24 hours at the latest).

I can imagine that it is not easy for you to consider a rehab – according to the negative experiences you had to do. And yet I’m sure you’re already on a good path. I would be happy to read from you and wish you so far a lot of strength and perseverance.


Steffi from Team Digital Streetwork

6 months ago

You decide. Make decisions about your life. A addiction can also be overcome without a clinic. The only thing that matters is the will.

To attain this and to maintain the necessary will strength, the goal should be on the way to spiritual maturity.

6 months ago

Whether you get a rehab or not ultimately decide not you but your doctor or health insurance. And what I read so could not be your chances of rehab very big.

6 months ago

There are rules everywhere, but if you want to improve, you can do that too.

6 months ago

Of course there are rules and you cannot ask for a single room! You’re not on holiday there!

6 months ago
Reply to  Schuelerin6372

This is possible in individual cases, but this is made very, very rare and advocated.

6 months ago
Reply to  Schuelerin6372

You’re not in the hotel!