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9 months ago

Moin. Where should I start without confusing it?

  • There are also films like Suzume, which will not have a series and are intended as a film.
  • There are films that have their own action (a side story)
  • There are films that additionally supplement series (SAO Progressive e.g.)
  • There are movies that do not provide enough content for a series. And so it is finished
  • However, extra films are also made so that quality is better. There is usually more budget pure (e.g. Demon Slayer gets 3 movies)

At the beginning of the year there was also a Demon Slayer ” Film’ in the cinema. However, this was an event as it only showed the first episode of the new season. Quasi forerunner, for loyal fans.

9 months ago

I haven’t seen many, but mostly it’s just new adventures with familiar characters.