Was passiert eigentlich, wenn ein Insekt einem Mann in die Eichel sticht?
Gestern saß ich mit einigen Freundinnen zusammen und nach einigen Gläschen Wein stellte sich uns die Frage, was passiert wenn ein Insekt – Mücke oder Wespe – einem Mann in die Eichel sticht? Bekommt er dann eine Schwellung oder Dauererektion?
It is carnival! 🥂🍺🍷
Otherwise, I can’t explain the question. 🙈😂 I can fortunately – or unfortunately? – not answer from experience, but think that there is at least one swelling.
If man gets a permanent stand, maybe he’s on the man. There should be some who are on “pain”. I don’t have to do this experience. 🙏🥂😂 Hellau!
🥂🍺🍷 The question and possible answers have at least fired a very beautiful female head cinema for some moments.
You scare me, connected with curiosity.
Find it good that you had fun. And your question was a great and amusing change to “are 19cm with 14 enough” 🙏😂
Thank you 🙏 for the ⭐
That would be an unfriendly act! First measure: Suck out the poison!
The exact procedure must be decided on site.
In such a procedure, there may not be swelling but probably an erection with 💦💦💦
The probability is very high. Not only is the poison sucked off! The man will give everything!
A really interesting situation. There’s some people running the water in their mouth.
He’ll get a little taste like it if he wants to get the acorn tattoo.
In the acorn I have not been stabbed yet, but in the penis.
In the skin near the acorn.
I was naked at the excavator’s lake, it was a year full of puppies that kept wandering around me. And a wasp got me there.
The penis soon became fat, that looked weird and it did very hurt.
I chilled the place with water, which made a little relief.
I had an appointment there and waited for a friend.
When they arrived, the little girl actually started to rain and there was an erection. I couldn’t resist it.
They did hurt, but even had some time.
After that, however, there was rest down there, especially since the effects of the stitch were even worse.
The effects were then felt 2-3 days.
For this reason, I never take juices or sweet drinks with the beach – mineral water must be enough against thirst.
I always have water. But that year it was bad with wasps.
Then I made the mistake of trying to scare them.
Maybe my penis wobbled too doll and they chose it as a target…
I was more careful after that. Especially since I had a bit messed up the afternoon. Actually, I should have done it before the girlfriend himself, but that wasn’t the best will…
Caution is the mother of the porcelain box and attack is the best defense.
He was asleep, he wasn’t even standing…
Perhaps the wasps have also interpreted your penis as a dangerous giant spike and wanted to protect themselves. 😉
It is always nice to hear that scientific topics are also discussed seriously outside the ivory tower of Laien. Go on!
I can’t show my own experience “satisfied”. Instead, I refer to the work of my very esteemed colleague and entomologist Michael L. Smith, who has not only been stabbed by various insects in order to weight the resulting pain of the respective species, but with the help of stitches of a specific species as a model organism (Honigbiene (Apis mellifera)) documented the differences in pain sensation at different points of the body. The latter work is very close to your question:
Honey bee sting pain index by body location
The three most painful locations were nasal wings (pain index 9.0), upper lip (8.7) and penis shank (7.3). Together with cheek, palm and armpit, the testicles lay on fourth place with a pain index of 7.0. Stitches in the acorn were not carried out in this study, but it is to be assumed from a similar high pain index. The study does not report on swelling and permanent erections. This could certainly provide new findings.
Maybe a nice topic for a dissertation?
Professionals can apply here in the comments.
Who thought out such a test… No Squirrel is not interesting, but testicles are getting stabbed! And how were they found test persons??
As a rather perverse maso, the question itself is extremely exciting. Never experienced, but should someone find out what can arrange… I am available 😂😂😂
Maybe in the summer just drop some Cola on the acorn???
That would hurt very much. On the idea that this leads to an erection, one can only come with a female brain.
In the case of a narian wine tasting, women’s horns can sometimes come on a way or other interesting questions. 😯🙂
I would be cursed, but also thankful that the wasp did not choose my testicles.
And what would you do? Watching and waiting, or hitting the best piece to drive the wasp?
Puppies, as well as all other wild species, are protected in accordance with general species protection. It is forbidden to “immediately worry or to catch, hurt or kill” without reasonable reason. So watch in peace, observe and wait how the stitch works and whether a swelling develops. It could only be critical for an allergy sufferer. 😊
presumably he runs loudly screaming in the circle
Hi, I can answer that.
Last year I was with us at the FKK Weiher and felt what on my best piece, from Reflex I wanted to scare the animal and overlooked that it was a wasp.
Of course, the beast stabbed me, at the approach of the acorn, (I am circumcised) that was a hellache.
Had something cool to drink with and cooled the puncture with the bottle.
Apart from quite pain and a redness with slight swelling, it was to be stopped.
The problems came only at night.
I was awakened by severe pain.
My best piece swollen on the whole length to the triple strength and was fire red, bounced and painful.
Likewise, the area around the penis and my testicle was heavily swollen.
I didn’t have an erection in the sense, but by the extreme swelling it looked like that.
He was swollen.
By swelling I could hardly pee
So off into the emergency room, there was hardly anything to wear and run, as swollen as it was.
There I was examined by a doctor and an allergic reaction was detected and an antialergym was administered.
Since everything was so extremely swollen and the urethra was as good as it was, I was also placed a catheter.
This was extremely painful, as it only went through with much pressure.
Had to stay in the hospital for a day and get regularly cooling envelopes from a sister.
Can you imagine how embarrassing the whole thing was.
The next day it went so far, but had lasted 1-2 days until everything had been swollen and I had no more pain.
Don’t want to see that again.
I’m sure there’s more pleasant things for the man. Probably would hurt him so much, burn, itchy and maybe swell.
Can’t put me in a man. But don’t think he’s getting a stand. Rather because of overdose of potency agents. A so-called priapism would be really dangerous. At least to us girls that could not happen🤭
My Lord and the Zofe had once punished me in a cruel way by tiing me with all the parts of the body, even the head tightly to a Andreaskreuz and sharply crawling. Naked like I was a bag of green ants pulled over the penis and testicles and tightly sealed.
It was hell, and after a short time, I was just digging into my gag. Again and again the bag was moved around by the two, increasing torture. After an hour full of torment, my penis and the testicles were swollen, knalrot and inflamed. I’ve had pains for days after that, and I don’t want to see it anymore.
But that’s how you could expand my knowledge with an interesting report and I thank you very much for it. 🌺💕
But please! But I never want to see it again. But there have often been punishments in the genitals, some of which were quite violent and almost cruel.
1.5 years ago, a brake pushed me into the foreskin near the cranial furrow. The acorn is so swollen that the foreskin approx. 3 days didn’t go over the acorn. The pain was so intense that there was nothing with erection. And hot the area became natural.
I got it back with chilled Fenistil, but it was up to go to the doctor.
However, the brake had also really chosen a sensitive place with a very sustainable effect. 😊
Yes, definitely. At some point I went the nozzle 😰. I’ve already done it on the 4th. Day to go to the doctor as it became better in the evening on the 3rd day. I therefore always take Autan to the nudist with this something. I’ve been watching this since. The viechers preferably fell on legs and genitals.
Ui – I’m not sure how to value that with the “smelling” 😰😂
Insects know what is good and smells intensely for the target approach. 😉
The acorn swells and hurts. It’s a problem if you already have a too tight preskin. Otherwise it’s “just” pain.
This depends on the respective compatibility. Certainly, it gets a little thick and itches immensely.
Would it be worth a try?
My friend used to be a kid. He’s been whining.
These are definitely hellish pain. I think the acorn swells, but there is no errection
This can only happen if the acorn is free, which is actually well protected.
Wasn’t there anything in the Kamasutra, where an endurance and hard erection is supposed to be caused by a wasp engraving? By the way, the squirrel should not be the most painful place for a wasp puncture with the man, but this is certainly only a weak consolation.
Should I perhaps deeper into the Kamasutra for information and knowledge enhancement. There seems to be information on very exciting topics. 😉 Would you like to write a PN to me?
Could there really be a cross between man and insect?
I had a trick in the foretaste. I didn’t notice when the cattle were gone. Burned a few days and was swollen at the beginning.
Erection was not to think too unpleasant.
I had the imagination when I tied up and crawled helplessly on a gyn chair lying two bees or wasps in the opened fore skin and this is then quickly closed.
I steal the stitches from and also the pain when the penis is extremely swelling.
To experience this must be extreme, and I would have said honestly, mega fear.
Think he cries and there are at home stretching games
I don’t understand? 😉
Ok,denke the acorn will swell nicely,and thereby it becomes closer in the partnerin😜
It burns and gives a slight swelling. But only at the puncture site. Of this you get no erection.
Yes there is only one thing you girls have to do with your feet (with or without shoes) that I will let you squeeze or massage over the poison from the worms. ( Even better with delicate nylon toes) You know what I mean.
Or even better wrap up with a pantyhose from the neck and tighten up, then the poison from the insect does not enlight the whole body. 😊
As with a mosquito it aches and swells easily as at other skin areas.
😉 an experience value?
Yes, unfortunately. Not only once.😬
I’d beat them so hard that they can get home by fax! I think the acorn would swell like a zeppelin and get fired. Libido would fall to sub-arctic values!
Puppies are under natural protection despite their bad reputation as aggressive insects, since you should only strike under the condition of NOTWHR.
On such a question only women can come to 🥂🍻🍾🍾
But I would say that hurts very much
And erection would of course be ds last what happens then 🤣
I can imagine some subs of me, you can do that mega. Thanks for the inspiration 😍
No, fun!
👍 the “most helpful answer” is already forgiven but I just find your answer best! ✨💥🎇 😉
Thank you
This is probably just as “good” as if a woman gets a violent sunburn on her nipples and panties…
Both really not recommended 😉
I sucked a mosquito in the front of me. Try to rub a cream on a hard dawn!! It’ll be hard for you.
Maybe you should have asked your girlfriend and asked for help. 😉
After rubbing I was empty
There could be a thick swollen acorn 🙂
👍э️ðŸ ̃‰
It will be quite swell
Aua had the pleasure
Then you need to suck the spike out quickly with your lips
Then it can hurt very much
Makes Aua