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1 month ago

What does “dissolve”? There’s something so small rubbed or put into acidity that you don’t see. It’s just gone. And all the money on your account is no longer available.

In this respect, it makes sense to have this amount of money paid out beforehand at the switch or machine. Or you’ll transfer it to another account. If you don’t mind, ask me if there’s room on my account.

1 month ago
Reply to  Mysticf

You don’t need an employee if you make an online transfer. You simply transfer the desired amount as you do with other transfers.

If you pay it cash, you get the money and, at best, with very large sums you will ask questions because of a few thousand but not.

And if you give the order to a transfer to an employee of the bank, it must of course know where to transfer the money.

1 month ago

what happens, for example, with the money what’s in the account?

Either the owner has paid out everything in cash or it is transferred to another account that the owner has specified.

If the holder has not specified, the bank shall keep the money faithfully. If the holder fails to comply with the general limitation period, the property of the bank is transferred.

1 month ago

When you cancel, you specify where the balance is to be transferred, in case of negative account balance, you will enter from which account the outstanding amount is to be recovered.

1 month ago

After deduction of fees, the remainder is paid

1 month ago

You can either transfer it to another account or cash.

1 month ago

You tell the bank what to do with the money…

1 month ago

The bank will ask you which account they will transfer the amount. You need an account again. Or you can pay it as a cash payment.

1 month ago

What about that? Do you think the banker’s transferring this to his own account?