Was passieren mit meinen Rosneft und Gazprom Aktien jetzt in flatex?
Ich hatte damals 20 Stück Rosneft Aktien und 26 Stück Gazprom Aktien.
Diese sind in flatex mit 0€ bewertet. -100%
Man sagte mir, dass eine Aktie nie 100% an Wert verlieren kann, das ist aber real geworden leider.
Es steht in klammer dass ich so viele aktien besitze aber mit 0€ bewertet sind.
Wie kann ich die verkaufen? Die müssen doch einen wert haben oder zumindest in russland.
welche rechte habe ich?
kann ich ums chadenersatz anfordern? oder diese in der steuererklärung geltend machen also aktien voll NULL und deswegen KEST weniger bezahlen zu müssen aus anderen einnahmen?
As I said (see XTC19), there are probably ADRs, because in Moscow no one used to do so. Well, they’re worthless.
Toad you with Kostolany (or how he writes): “If you don’t have shares when they fall, you don’t have them when they get up.”
Your loss also means you’ve been good at it. I bet other titles are in profit. It is ultimately not about the art of clairvoy, but about the art of scattering.
and: Yes, the loss can be taxed in the year in which it was incurred.
I guess you didn’t have the shares, but only ADRs.
These are certificates and ultimately depends on what the editor is doing.
Here you can see a history of the development of the situation based on the information of the SDK:
https://sdk.org/services/clage procedures/Russian securities fund/
Eyes to and to wait. In the next 20 to 30 years, they will definitely be re-listed when much grass has grown over the war.
A former colleague also has Russian shares. When I asked him what he was doing with it, he only woke up with the armpits and said, “Let’s inherit.”
They will be traded again sometime. You can only hold them.