Was passier wenn die öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln kaputt wären?
Zuerst mal guten Abend^^
hoffe ihr hattet einen angenehm Tag.
Meine frage hier lautet Was wäre wenn die öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln kaputt wären also in eurem Umfeld?
Die Frage kam mir gerade sehr spontan hahaha und bin Neugierig was passieren würde. Habe dazu auch nichts im Internet gefunden.
also falls die paar Gedanken, Ideen etc habt einf ruhig schreiben^^
ich danke im Voraus
We had the case that none or only very few buses could drive because of the weather – snow – as it is very mountainous here and it goes up and down. Since the train was only able to catch passenger traffic in limited circumstances, there was a small problem here. If there were no bus at all and no train at all, there would be some chaos here. That’s probably how it would be in every city. Well, now in Homeoffice times, it would be a little better.
From the observations of the last local and rail strikes: Cycling and pedestrian traffic increases ad-hoc, as well as car traffic. The latter then quickly comes to rest again, as it is staggering everywhere. (And man on foot or by bike would have arrived faster. OK, then suffer from the people who need to plunge from further away and who do not have the option to another journey. Somehow not fair.)
In addition, the load rises on the Internet lines as many can and can work from home. (What was further developed in Corona times.)
Two, three days all stand through without collective traffic, then it starts to annoy.
if a bus fails because of fault, a replacement bus comes
Then I drive car and waste my time looking for parking…. I’d rather have a taxi. Or I trample.
Then a replacement vehicle comes.
Had a bicycle chain, ha ha ha ha.
I don’t care, I always drive car