Was nehmen gegen zittrige stimme?
Immer wenn ich bisschen wütender werde oder bei Streitereien fängt meine stimme, generell mein ganzer Körper an zu zittern und ich werde bisschen nervös. Weil ich weiß das es morgen eskaliert und ich wieder überall extrem zittern werde möchte ich was nehmen was dagegen hilft, weiß aber nd was
many people tremble from rage.
All you could do about it would make you dependent, drag withdrawal clinics, be partially illegal and ruin your life. So there are no tips.
If this is a burden on you, psychotherapy would be helpful so that you can become more self-confident and deal better with your emotions.
is there nix what you only take once without becoming dependent?
Yes. The problem is, at the moment you notice that it helps, you begin to take it more and more often. This then results in dependence.
The problem you have is not solved. It’s just a short time.
Maybe you’ll try it with Valerian’s nerve power tablets. You get it normally in Rossmann, DM etc.
However, this does not solve the real problem you have
Valerian is, as far as I know, a herbal medium, which is why I don’t know if it works well
I’ll take Valeririan too. You’re right, I’m just taking this. 3 tablets because then it works, but now not immediately