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Specifically depends on the area…
Depending on the engines like Unreal Engine can and can develop in it (in C++ of course…). In addition, depending on the profession, knowledge in animations, networks, frontend, backend and otherwise important.
But that depends on the place.
The basics are the most important, you can always build on them. So if the basics are sitting, you should get far and be able to apply.
Depends on the job advertisement to which have individual claims. Idr expect that you are familiar with all the basics and you are ideally familiar with the engine.
It is best to look at the request profile in appropriate job advertisements. It’s pretty exact what’s looking for. Needs to thank you for being able to prove the skills somehow.
I forgot to ask in my question – how do I do that because I’ve already heard of someone?
Depends on the company. What happens relatively often is that they ask you for your previously created works or give you a small problem that you should solve.
Good to deal with C++ and the related programs. Basic programming with C++ and designs can
C++ ? Possibly experience in game development but this is definitely in the job advertisement.