Was muss ich als kfz mechatroniker wissen?

Also ich mache bald ein Praktikum in einer kfz werkstatt, 2 tage in der Woche bis zum sommer. Leider weiß ich echt kaum was über autos, ich hab mittlerweile verstanden wie kupplung und getriebe so wie ein Motor funktioniert. Aber mehr auch nicht und ich will am ersten tag des Praktikums da nicht stehen wie ein totaler voll idiot, alle sagen mir immer das ich das dann alles da lerne aber ich will wenigstens etwas vorher wissen.

Also vielleicht ist ja einer von euch kfz mechatroniker der mir helfen würde, dann schreibt mir hier gerne mal. Oder vielleicht habt ihr irgendwelche links zu artikeln oder videos wo ich was lernen könnte dann wäre ich euch sehr dankbar.

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1 year ago

An internship takes a lot too short to learn about internal combustion engines and what it belongs to! It will be limited to cleaning work!

1 year ago

Why don’t you just kindly ask what’s coming for you again in the company and if you can prepare yourself somehow.

Presumably, you will get a supervisor who will show you the things or be served by the departments.

Only courage to question, even if you may sometimes get really stupid.

You do the internship to see if it’s something for you or not.

1 year ago

It is always better to learn from a professional in the workshop. Understanding a function is already class and can then also be consolidated by reading specialist topics. To understand the basis of motors is very important and a big one if one has to look for mistakes.

In self-learning the wrong one gets hardly better from the head is sometimes making an opractice at the piece which is easy to forget.. as a professional pre-examination, however, it is a great thing and you can also look at the profession.

1 year ago

The large technical kit – Hybridmotor | FRANZIS |

Get this kit, as you learn how a motor works and you can also deepen your knowledge.

1 year ago

You’re not a KFZ mechatronic, you’re an intern.
What you need to know is to be taught there, that is the point;)

Keep busy with what a car has and how it works if you want.

1 year ago

You don’t have to know anything as an intern, no one asks you. 😁

Don’t blow up as a lousy bite that turns into a honk with read-in half knowledge. 😂

Just be interested. 🙂

1 year ago
