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Wasser schmeckt nach Metall?
Hi ich frage mich warum manche Marken so komisch schmecken (nach Metall oder so) und manche einfach nach nichts. Zb Saskia Wasser schmeckt für mich ganz schlimm nach Metall ich möchte einfach eins das nach nichts schmeckt. Jetzt ist meine Frage wie kann man es nachschauen? Also kann man es irgendwie auf der Flasche erkennen?
Welches Fleisch mögt ihr am liebsten?
Nur aus Interesse 🙂
Gemüsesaft noch gut?
Ich habe einen selbstgepressten Gemüsesaft ausversehen so ca. 12 Stunden bei Zimmertemperatur stehen lassen. Vorher stand er im Kühlschrank. Ist er noch gut oder kann ich ihn entsorgen?
I like McDonalds very much because I’m also connecting a lot from my childhood. You could celebrate birthdays at that time, and I did that almost every year.
There are still possibilities to make birthday party
I don’t think so. That was the beginning of the 90s, then you were allowed to put your burgers together in the kitchen…I think that’s all going out today, the clown was also abolished
Kfc, the other two have a very good quality, I can prepare myself better.
I would visit McDonalds if necessary, but Burgerking never.
Previous BurgerKing, because they grill the meat patty with real fire. But after I got a double cheeseburger with mustard instead of ketchup and after these sobering reports about BurgerKing, I moved to McDonalds.
If I have to choose between them, then BurgerKing. But don’t find them really horny.
I like to eat Subway or H3 Burger.
I’m a fan of the little Whopper junior at Burger King.
I don’t like Burger King so much :0
McDonalds is more likely.
I find myself more appealing!
our own kitchen in which everything can be done
Don’t eat fast food.
Right between these 3 I always change through
Tastes better
Curry sausage with pommes and icertee