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During cooking I already clean things like knives, peels, utensils into the dishwasher or rinse the wooden boards/cutlery.
I immediately pack spices into my shelf and wipe several times with the towel over the surfaces.
After that, we can clean up. Is everything a matter of organization 🙂 But anyway, I hate it, of course. Especially because I usually have to rinse the pans with hand or clean the dining table + Ceranfeld.
LG Lari:-)
Cleaning after that is the worst! The only thing that helps is a dishwasher. Therefore I always care to buy dishwasher-resistant pans, pots and utensils.
Can you recommend a good pan that is also dishwasher-proof? I’ve been looking for such a pan for a while, and I’ve always been happy with something crappy. With a link, please!
Oh, I have Emura used. I recently bought it, but so far I am very happy. I like the quality and it is dishwasher-proof, so a win-win situation.
I don’t like the burial. But if you clean up everything that you don’t need anymore, that’s a little thing. With me, for example, the spice comes directly back into the closet and does not touch the work surface at all. So it is with oil etc. The empty liter vessel comes directly into the dishwasher, then there is not much to clean up. However, my kitchen is so small that it doesn’t go any other way than to clean everything away directly.
if I’m alone, of course, clean up, something I’m doing wrong. I cook well, but I’m so unorganized that my kitchen looks like the sheer horror. Mr. Raue would be dead.
If I’m with my friend, then the one who doesn’t cook will clear up
Depends on what I cook.
Prepare vegetables (columns, cubes etc.) but I find basically as annoying as clean up.
Hate the wiping of greasy and dirty worktops or washing of baked or dried pots or run-up moulds.
I think everyone feels corrosive, I also
That’s why I’m going to add a dishwasher later, then the washing would be easier
Best regards, Jan
….so I pack it, as far as possible, into the dishwasher.
Clearly clean up.
I’ll clear everything up while cooking. What is no longer needed comes directly into the dishwasher.
who likes this is the annoying
I even have a dishwasher, but I still find it annoying
Clean up is always stupid.
Cooking itself is fun.
So I have a man;-D
And I don’t have a woman and I have to do both.
Was just fun;-)